keeping awake on the road

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Spinninreel said:
Driving tired can be compared to driving under the influence, because your reaction time is slower, your vision can be impaired, so the best advice is to not do it and plan your trip accordingly.

safety first, always. if you're in the middle of the freeway, and you're not even close to a rest area/service center, best thing to do would be to pull over and rest -- if an officer approaches you, he/she would understand the situation.
Very true, but in the same case, if your super tired and in the middle of a freeway yes pull over, but as soon as your clear to move to to shoulder on the outside of the highway do so. If your caught sleeping on the fastlane side of the highway on the shoulder you can and most likely will be charged, and if that all that happens your extremely lucky. Most accident involving parked cars on a highway happen when thier on the Median side of the highway, wether it be truckers or other drivers that just are not looking for a car and hit you from behind. I know If your going to sleep on the side of the highway in your car you should run your 4ways to give a little warning that a car is on the shoulder, It would be a terrible accident if someone struck you while you were sleeping.
Be safe people, we have enough accidents in the world.
chibi & frozenfire...

Have all these tips and tricks worked for you guys? driving all the way up north for opener?
MikeyMikey said:
chibi & frozenfire...

Have all these tips and tricks worked for you guys? driving all the way up north for opener?

yesterday we left at 10pm. we weren't tired because we both took naps during the day. we stayed until... 8am??? and were pretty tired. he got a coffee to drink and it kicked in awhile after he drank it... but when it first didn't, we turned the music up, the fan on his car on (at the coldest temperature), and talked, obnoxiously loud to each other haha. i knew he was talking to me to keep himself awake because he was asking all sorts of weird questions he normally wouldn't.

have yet to try energy drinks. i think frozenfire has tried redbull without success.
i believe talking with a passenger cause more auto accidents and all drinking and driving accidents combined.
should've taken short nap before drive back home.
MikeyMikey said:
i believe talking with a passenger cause more auto accidents and all drinking and driving accidents combined.
should've taken short nap before drive back home.

no nap necessary. frozenfire confirmed he was fine and wasn't endangering anyone on the road. when he is too tired he will pull over... and ask me to drive (if i feel able to do so). for now until i learn stick, if it came to one of those calls we'd be at a timmies (or some public lot) napping away.
i don't beleive that talking to passengers is a big hazard..
you're not taking your eyes off the road and your hands are still on the steering wheel at all times.

i mean, how awkward would it be if you didn't talk or say a word during a long drive with other people in the car?!
frozenfire said:
i don't beleive that talking to passengers is a big hazard..
you're not taking your eyes off the road and your hands are still on the steering wheel at all times.

i mean, how awkward would it be if you didn't talk or say a word during a long drive with other people in the car?!

haha a first date!

well i can see how it could get out of hand... but i believe most drivers put their driving first before their conversation. a lot of times we'll be driving somewhere and stop mid-sentence to switch a lane or such.

but i have to admit. i don't like driving near people who are on their cell phones!!! or being in a car where people are on their phones while driving!!! unless they're blue tooth enabled or something.
I can agree with that bluetooth is one of the nicest inventions ever made. I hate it when a person pass's me on a phone with a coffee in the other hand driving with their knee's and changing lanes without signaling, on top of the the choose to do 30-40kms over the limit, everyone these days are in a hurry to get no were and this winter I saw numerous cars pass me, and then end up in the ditch 5km up the road, but thats carma. The only shame is the people that are hurt in the process whether it be others involved in the accident, or the familys left behind by these thoughtless people.
McLean said:
I can agree with that bluetooth is one of the nicest inventions ever made. I hate it when a person pass's me on a phone with a coffee in the other hand driving with their knee's and changing lanes without signaling, on top of the the choose to do 30-40kms over the limit, everyone these days are in a hurry to get no were and this winter I saw numerous cars pass me, and then end up in the ditch 5km up the road, but thats carma. The only shame is the people that are hurt in the process whether it be others involved in the accident, or the familys left behind by these thoughtless people.

i agree
i always like to say... can you imagine traffic if no one was in a rush...
I sure can't,lol.
Everyone is in a hurry to get no were, like really if you pass that one car your going to get their waht 1min earlyer???
I hate it when people drive like idiots because the reality is that its not jus tthem their are hurting and now that I have a prego wife,lol, I worry thaat some a$$ will run a light or something and cause an accident. I always say its not you you have to worry about when driving but the other idiots out their and in most cases im right.