not even the legendary andretti racing family owns thier team 100%---investors---petty racing is the only team that is owned by the family and thats with 60 years of racing money and a franchise that makes as much as jordan---also thier engine builder has a stake in the team as an ---INVESTOR--so no one really owns thier teams...enjoy your racing----we will fish together--we can race canoes lol
PS average weight for nascar 3400 lbs--F1 car cannot go below 1300lbs with driver--they use carbon fibre---no its not fibre like metamucil--its a space aged material--the reason stock cars are heavier is because the appeal used to be that the average joe can afford it racing in a mostly showroom stock car----isteading of tuning the engines to not allow them to go to fast they use restictor plates--also evens out the field---fastest track is talladega when the number 9 coors car did 212mph with bill elliot behind the wheel--just a few more facts for you to dazzle your like fishing too