largemouth vs smallmouth

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I dunno, largemouth bass are just about as boring as pike and walleye. A carp 1/4 their size would drag them all to death, tied tail to tail. And carp are way smarter too.

The whole culture of largemouth bass fishing is despicable; grown men making a living running around in metal-flake boats, grinning buffoons hoisting up their hawgs for the money shot.

Non-anglers now naturally assume all anglers are inbred, tobacco-chawin' southerners, bent on limiting out when we're not guzzling Budweisers and beating our wives.

Fishing needs to graduate from that image.

It was good fun back in the day, but it's time to move on.
Icehut sounds like a grumpy old man bickering about peoples hobbies.

If you knew anything about fishing for bass you would edit your post about using "broomsticks". Only a fool, an unsuccessful fool at that would use a light rod for heavy cover fishing.

As for comparing the fight of a largemouth vs carp.. That's also silly when you consider the avg size of a carp being 8-15 lbs vs 1.5-4 of a largemouth.

As far as anglers having an image that you describe? youd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks Bob Izumi, Al Linder + countless other anglers are seen as that.
Since when are pike boring? Carp are no smarter, just wary. Bass's instict is to eat, eat and eat some more. They can't help it.
River smallmouths. Hook a 4-5 lbr and you feel like you have a chinook at the end of your line, plus the rapid turns and jumps.
I got this smallie on a crank bait in the grand river they fight like hell.


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