lost rod, tommy thompson park

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Oct 26, 2015
Heading out to do some fishing this evening, I noticed that we'd left my son's rod in Tommy Thompson park in Toronto yesterday. I raced back to find it, no luck.

It's a lightweight ~6' two-piece rod. It's an indigo/blue color without any branding or details whatever. We left it behind because I was speaking with another angler while packing the things by the bikes and my eight year old had packed the rod where he'd been standing.

I'll try again during the park's open hours, but I'm posting here because it has some sentimental value as my son "earned" it through a year's Japanese study program. The rod was left in what's an increasingly popular fishing spot, along the new outer sandbar that encloses "Embayment D". If anyone on this board by some chance picked it up, or knows anyone who's fishing in the park in the evenings, we'd be delighted to have the rod back.

How is the fishing out there these days? I used to catch some monster pike a few years back but since I got my boat I havent been back?
I've never been to this pond, but I hope you are able to refind your rod you lost, hopefully there is a lost and found. It's actually quite nice to have a fishing forum where fellow fishermen can help each other find their lost items, etc.
Thanks for the responses. It was a dumb thing to do, I'd had a hell of a morning with the sewage line backing up in the basement of our building that morning and it seems I was worn out. Anyway, I have some hope that a fellow I speak to from time to time named Tim might track the thing down as he knows some fellows who fish around there in the night.

The fishing's fairly good, for Toronto's waterfront. I mostly go to give my son something to catch, he pulls out panfish, perch, and young bass. Being eight and possibly a bit OCD he counts everything, and informed me that he'd caught some twenty of the things one session about three weeks ago. However, there's at least one fellow who hauls out absolutely everything he catches, in a bucket, even panfish that wouldn't cover a drinking cup. It's had an impact, there are far fewer fish milling about these days. That said, back in March I believe I spotted some trout in that pond, and I certainly saw some at the floating bridge further into the park as late as early July.