MATTD - From Nova Scotia

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2013
Hi All

From NS, love too fly fish, 100% CR and target all trout and Salmon. Visting Oakville next week and look forward to trying a West trib for a Chinook. Never fished for them before so would love to hook into one of those monsters.

Here are a few pics of some fish i hooked in NS on the Fly.




Thanks guys! I look foward to exploring new water and have been researching the West Trib....just getting the opportunity is very exciting for me.

I hope some of my Nova Scotia fly techniques will entice a chinook.
Those are some awesome fish. I had no idea there were browns like that in NS :shock:
There are lots of fish in all the tribs but they're moving through pretty quick gota be there when they're coming through
Do you guys have any fly suggestions I should bring for my trip to the west trib? Wooly buggers, bright marabous?
MATTD said:
Do you guys have any fly suggestions I should bring for my trip to the west trib? Wooly buggers, bright marabous?
Those would all be good. I'd bring flies that are big, bright and colourful. Cohos seem to like the purple flies. Also bring egg patterns etc. You might get lucky and hit some browns, early steelhead or an atlantic.
SmackUm said:
Nice pics MATTD... It looks pretty dark in the photos do you prefer to fish @ sun up or sun down?
I have about the same amount of sucess for both times. In NS, most rivers are only open 2 hours before sunrise until 2 hours after sunset (not 24 hrs). I go mainly around sunset because that is when my family is settled down for the night :)
Hope to be on a West trib tomorrow and maybe another day this week. Looking forward to this new challenge of hooking a Chinook. Thanks to everyone who gave me some advice over the last week.
I was down on a west trib and got one on a orange and purple marabou streamer but there was a guy across the river using white yarn that was hooking up nonstop !!! And they were lagit hook ups I watched him land 7 !! The water is very low and crystal clear so expect the fish to be line shy
Thanks guys... Tried one west trib for 30 mins but water was very low so moved to east trib and found some fish. None landed but hooked 2 for a brief fight.
Hi Matt,

Also from Nova Scotia, did most of my fishing in the Ecum Secum and Lahave rivers growing up with my dad. Just getting into the Salmon fishing here too. Its been a blast. Odd catching Salmon on a spinning rod.... all fly's back home.