probably won't be fishable till sunday. warmth will make the ice start melting, then it is minus 10 thursday night, so it will freeze again, then warm again on friday will make the water blown, but night will start to freeze more again, then same cycle, so by sunday water should be some what fishable since it is positive. but might be muddy and high, if not, straight murky, there might be some rivers that clear up faster and be fishable, but you will probably have less water to cover anyways.
there is a storm coming from south west that might also hit us. if you have not fished in winter, i tell you from personal experience, no matter how hardcore you are,how much paste you use on your guides and line, the shear amount of line freeze, your float not being in the right path or depth, lack of ability to cast properly, lack of fishable water from ice, will not make your day any better than if you would stay home relaxing.
I had a friend that got frost bite from fishing in winter, lost his sense of touch in two fingers and can never get his sensitivity back. stay home wait for march. unless one entire week will be positive night and day, not worth it imo.