MNR Fish ON-Line Lake Map Resource

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2015
Hello OFF,

I came across a useful MNR tool that I wanted to share. This may be something that you're already aware of but it is new to me and seems pretty handy.

Click here for the link

Basically you can look at a map of any lake in Ontario and find access points, species of fish in the lake, stocking hostory, depth countours, regulations, and pretty much anything else an angler can ask for. At the very least I find it useful to know what species of fish are found in a lake before I try it out. I was surpised to see data for some very small lakes in my area.

Let me know what you think and if there are other tools you guys use to plan your fishing.

A decent site but i question the fish species listed for some smaller back woods lakes.
One lake I've fished for about 20 years it lists Northern Pike but there are only Smallies n Perch in there.
Did someone catch 1 pike 40 yrs ago??
Ya no doubt - theres a lake nearby that has ALL species listed haha. I only use it for the MNR stocking lists.
I used to be able to get PDFs of the lake contour maps but that doesn't seem possible any longer. On some lakes that are indicated as having depth contours, the lines are shown directly on the overall map so I can zoom in and print(print screen?) if I want to. On others, though, no lines are shown. I take that to be a map error, although I guess I could write to MNR and get a paper copy mailed.