Naming water!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2012
I love how if you mention a river in a post ie bronty and every I've looses there **** but when someone names a lake or pond and no one could care less !!!! Just saying
The problem is...certain Lakes/Ponds are a given for certain species so is it a big deal if you say "I was out in Lake O off of Bronte"...not really (at least im my opinion). However, you see a lot of people say "Hey y'all! iF you go 100 feet south of the X street bridge on the West side, there is a huge pool that is STACKED!" then yes, this is a bit of a problem. There are thousands of people that troll these forums, and where do you think they are going to be an hour from now?

I myself started out by "trolling" the various forums and reading the posts. It's once you discover the "tone" of the particular forum and the people that frequent it that draw you to joining it and to start to learn/contribute.

Just my $02 of course!
I just find it funny how if I said I caught 8 small mouth bass on the credit river I would be bombarded by a dozen people about naming rivers yet if I said I got 8 bass on puslinch lake I'd have a dozen people praising me for catching 8 bass!!
opinions don't matter at this point--sad to say--rules are no naming rivers---if you want lakes added to the list talk to the dream team about it
That's because this forum caters to salmon and stealhead but I'm sure the bass and walleye fishermen don't appreciate everyone giving away there favorite spots!! It shouldn't matter if you can't name one you shouldn't be able to name the other
LMFAO! If I tell someone im fishing on lake huron, im pretty sure it's a big lake last time I looked. Whos gonna know exactly where I am fishing. Compared to if i say im fishing at xxx river, that narrows it down to pretty much the exact location. If you don't get that you're not very bright lol.
If the water is wade-able or can be fished on shore...i'd say don't share it....every angler and loogan that lurks will have easy access.
w_ boughner said:
That's because this forum caters to salmon and stealhead but I'm sure the bass and walleye fishermen don't appreciate everyone giving away there favorite spots!! It shouldn't matter if you can't name one you shouldn't be able to name the other
thing about salmon and trout is the "RUN". Everyone that owns a fishing rod, a 30lb line, #6 treble can show up on a named river and catch them. I doubt they can do that on walleye / pike & bass.
LMFAO! If I tell someone im fishing on lake huron, im pretty sure it's a big lake last time I looked. Whos gonna know exactly where I am fishing. Compared to if i say im fishing at xxx river, that narrows it down to pretty much the exact location. If you don't get that you're not very bright lol.
Obviously the Great Lakes wouldn't make a difference as they are so big but small local lakes and ponds is what I'm talking about !!! Did I really have to point that out for you ???you don't have any local small ponds stacked with fish that you love to fish?? How would you like it if someone discovered it and posted it here and next weekend you go there and there's 30 people white bucket brigading your favorite pond !! That's what I'm talking about
thing about salmon and trout is the "RUN". Everyone that owns a fishing rod, a 30lb line, #6 treble can show up on a named river and catch them. I doubt they can do that on walleye / pike & bass.

The salmon run lasts what 3 months?? Yet if you named a small lake or pond that is good bass / walleye/ panfish water they have all summer to white bucket brigade that pond !! Two to three years and the fishery is destroyed !! Watched it happen in a couple ponds in guelph
w_ boughner said:
Obviously the Great Lakes wouldn't make a difference as they are so big but small local lakes and ponds is what I'm talking about !!! Did I really have to point that out for you ???you don't have any local small ponds stacked with fish that you love to fish?? How would you like it if someone discovered it and posted it here and next weekend you go there and there's 30 people white bucket brigading your favorite pond !! That's what I'm talking about
Talk to the mods about having lakes/ponds not to be allowed to be named either then.
I do not mind sharing lakes/spots on lakes, I mean chances are they are already fished by everyone else lol. I only have a few spots where I know for a fact the average person does not know about structure. For example a random rock pile 12 ft deep or a sunken boat or a christmas tree placed in 8 ft of water to attract bass aha. That plus some people may not have the gear to fish where I fish. Many factors differentiate naming a lake than naming a river trib.
I don't mind sharing spots too ... they leave later on when they see me catching and catching and catching .... with ponds boughner have a point there ... shouldn't be named at all but as forum rule says only tribs you can not name, we can't win yet. For the WBB IMO, we shouldn't hate those people at all, Ministry should ban selling minnows, we don't like this HATE CRIMES ... we are all fishermen ... we are just making WBB world small and us smaller. Population grows fast, there's nothing we can do about that. We can not run forever going to tribs Fly fish because there's no WBB there. I fish with different kinds of people and I have the freedom anywhere I go.
Going out on a limb here, I don't know about not naming most Lake O tribs, rivers and creeks for Salmon and Chrome. The names are all well known by everyone and their brothers.
It's specific spots that should not be named. Everyone and their brother will still be there, unfortunately. We do live in an area populated by millions of people who do talk to each other, that has a limited amount of Salmon and Chrome Streams. Like it or not the word is out there.
As for other species of fish, members should use their discretion, if a small river containing Bass is known then perhaps it shouldn't be named. I don't really see a problem with naming a place that receives a ton of pressure already, I don't think we would be adding to the pressure. It will be there no matter how hard we try to hide it.
We live in Southern On. and there are no longer many virgin waters around here. I'm not saying go ahead and name what you know, don't. Just that most of these places are already word of mouth and due to the influx of the internet these places will be put out there on the web and become more and more available. Not due to OFF, but as I say we are not the only guardians of what is sacred.

FYI, for those of you who weren't around last year for the initial debate on this topic... OFF members requested, voted and decided that rivers should not be named. Here is that thread:

@ w_boughner, I agree that there is a little bit of inconsistency that should be cleared up with respect to naming other bodies of water, general posting guidelines, etc... So, in the next few days I will take this up with the other mods and we may open a new thread to get members' feedback.

In the meantime, please feel free to continue the discussion in this thread.
theres no fish in puslinch .... lol im down for only naming huge lakes (simcoe,huron,erie,st claire etc) after all its the smaller lakes within a 2 hour drive that suffer from looganism year round.... thats where the "white bucket anglers" is at lol there COULD be pretty good pike bass and even wally fishin on the numerous GRCA reservoirs IF loogans didnt show up daily to catch and keep 12 inch pike and 8 inch bass. naming rivers is alot worse though... should stop the east west thing too IMO just say lake o