Naming water!!

Ontario Fishing Forums

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How about just keeping everything regarding catches off the net. Keep the forum for teaching methods and rigging etc. I for one am making it my new policy. I don't need to let the world know every time I catch something and I don't need to document every catch, the fish are much better off than waiting as I fumble for my camera. It's nice especially if it's your personal best to have a photo agreed but the experience for me isn't diminished if I don't document it. I opted out of Facebook a couple of years now. I personally don't understand the need for this constant "attention whoring" and posting the minutiae of my existence. The salmon run is what it is annually a circus but anyone can figure out the rivers where it happens, they're no secret, timing of the runs can be kept secret though, perhaps a secret initiation and oath of secrecy is in order for OFF members? ;-) ;-)
w_ boughner said:
I just find it funny how if I said I caught 8 small mouth bass on the credit river I would be bombarded by a dozen people about naming rivers yet if I said I got 8 bass on puslinch lake I'd have a dozen people praising me for catching 8 bass!!
Hey! Stop naming my lake lol
I think some of you overestimate the effect that posting info on the net has. I live close to a popular spot on the Notty. When the fish are running it gets crowded, when they're not it isn't. Maybe it's because the latest info is passed by the grapevine(what with texting an all---I told 2 friends, and they told 2 friends etc etc), or because the regulars know when the conds are good, but this is without any details being posted on the net..
alwayscatching said:
Fletchers and Etobicoke Creeks are also hot-spots in Brampton right now, the Chrome colored Chubb are in there thick.

Dam-it . Did I say that out loud?

Me being mainly a river fisher here. Going to the lakes is left for the "off season" and when I want to take my son out fishing. TBH, most rivers that I have gone to don't hold many fish. Salmon and steelies come into the rivers in large numbers for 2/3 months of a 12 month year, where as fishing a lake, you can do year round even on ice!

Lakes- I can say I went fishing on Rice lake, you won't know where on the lake I was (shore or land) you wouldn't know if I was on a boat unless I told you. You wouldnt know where the boat was or how many FOW unless I told you. Majority of lakes have been discovered, there is alot to be said about discretion while posting the information that you are. I can say without the help of members like Alwayscatching, who sent me tons of info on spots, baits, techniques I wouldnt have been able to learn or know where to go on the lake.

I agree this site is a little more geared towards salmon and trout, they are definatly alot harder to catch than bass and pike that seem to hit anything in the waters. The reason why people hold thier cards closer to thier chest about salmon and trout is, there is less time, not alot of spots on the river that havent been over fished. Bait information are like 3 major types. People posting rivers are alot more dangerous than someone comming on here and saying I went to Rice lake and caught Pike.
coldfeet said:
Ahh now we're learning the old bait and switch...I hear the run started in the Don!
well i'll be...the topic was not naming tribs and you just named one. lol.
coldfeet said:
How about just keeping everything regarding catches off the net. Keep the forum for teaching methods and rigging etc. I for one am making it my new policy. I don't need to let the world know every time I catch something and I don't need to document every catch, the fish are much better off than waiting as I fumble for my camera. It's nice especially if it's your personal best to have a photo agreed but the experience for me isn't diminished if I don't document it. I opted out of Facebook a couple of years now. I personally don't understand the need for this constant "attention whoring" and posting the minutiae of my existence. The salmon run is what it is annually a circus but anyone can figure out the rivers where it happens, they're no secret, timing of the runs can be kept secret though, perhaps a secret initiation and oath of secrecy is in order for OFF members? ;-) ;-)
+1...i'm all for hero shots but unless it's a personal best...i'd rather just have fun fighting them without the pictures.
Me being mainly a river fisher here. Going to the lakes is left for the "off season" and when I want to take my son out fishing. TBH, most rivers that I have gone to don't hold many fish. Salmon and steelies come into the rivers in large numbers for 2/3 months of a 12 month year, where as fishing a lake, you can do year round even on ice!

Lakes- I can say I went fishing on Rice lake, you won't know where on the lake I was (shore or land) you wouldn't know if I was on a boat unless I told you. You wouldnt know where the boat was or how many FOW unless I told you. Majority of lakes have been discovered, there is alot to be said about discretion while posting the information that you are. I can say without the help of members like Alwayscatching, who sent me tons of info on spots, baits, techniques I wouldnt have been able to learn or know where to go on the lake.

I agree this site is a little more geared towards salmon and trout, they are definatly alot harder to catch than bass and pike that seem to hit anything in the waters. The reason why people hold thier cards closer to thier chest about salmon and trout is, there is less time, not alot of spots on the river that havent been over fished. Bait information are like 3 major types. People posting rivers are alot more dangerous than someone comming on here and saying I went to Rice lake and caught Pike.

Not all lakes are large lakes line rice lake!! And not all lakes can handle a large amount of pressure ie Bellwood that is stocked every year to overcome the huge fishing pressure ! And not all lakes have a conservation authority to do a stocking program to overcome the over fishing
it still answers the question in one simple lurk/click "hey is there fish in that lake?" response "well there used to be":
has anyone proposed that we ban all discussions of specific spots, lakes...etc...might be a start instead of MODS needing to read through 41 pages of discussion...someone take this out of park and into drive.
chaka khan said:
has anyone proposed that we ban all discussions of specific spots, lakes...etc...might be a start instead of MODS needing to read through 41 pages of discussion...someone take this out of park and into drive.
ive made the suggestion on another thread about the grey area of naming locations on this site and received acknowledgment and the answer that it will be discussed. among the mods
personally I dont think its as big of a deal with the other species because people around here don't lose their mind like they do with salmon and trout. However at the same time you won't find me posting any of my bass or pike locations on here. :p
I think there will always be 'grey areas' where some judgement by the OP is needed. I know of a stretch of the Grand that has lots of bass which is accessible just by canoe(raft or whatever) or thru private property. I don't think giving the details of that spot on here is goig to make it very crowded, but by posting it I just give the Mods a hassle and other posters to go on some sort of pro and con diatribe.