new license fees

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2015
Sounds good to me. They are underfunded as it is so if its not going to come from the tax pool then anglers need to cough it up. It's still a bargain compared to BC or Nova Scotia.
What is your source for this? I can't seem to find anything online that suggests this will be happening.

I personally don't like the idea but I can understand why the MNR wants to protect some species that may be overfished. What I don't understand is why they would include Musky, and possibly Northerns in there as well. I personally catch and release Musky/Northerns every time I land one so under these new regulations I would not need the "PST" because I would be releasing the fish?

From my experience (and admittedly, I don't have as much as others on the forum) Pike are plentiful in most Ontario lakes and both Pike and Musky are not typically fish that you would be keeping on a regular basis. Do you guys think otherwise? Is there a problem with overfishing (and keeping) Pike and Musky? Would love to get some added perspective.

Thanks for sharing the article.

ditto with the source part, I could not find it either.
NADO said:
Sounds good to me. They are underfunded as it is so if its not going to come from the tax pool then anglers need to cough it up. It's still a bargain compared to BC or Nova Scotia.

A - You're on crack.

B - Today is april fools day.......
Nothing but a tax grab, or as they like to term it, "revenue tool" in Ontario. There is no way this would positively or negatively impact fish stocks of any species. I remember when they first brought in fishing licenses at $11. Apparently this was to monitor and maintain fish populations. I live on a major river where the fishing is excellent for a wide variety of species, but haven't seen a game warden or anyone from the ministry for over 15yrs. I wonder where the money is going, cuz it sure ain't here. I hope Captain Barty is right, and this is an April Fools prank. Cheers.
lol well played. Well thought out since increased fee's have been talked about for quite some time.

April fools joke or not the MNR is underfunded so I still back the idea. Maybe this April fools joke will go places.
LMAO, good one. I must admit, you had me going for a bit cuz nothing surprises me in this province. Congrats, and well done. Cheers.
I laughed but it wouldn't be a bad system, many of the states south of the border implement the stamp system for certain species. Wisconsin for example has a 10$ stamp permitting you to fish great lakes salmon and steelhead
IR4J said:
I laughed but it wouldn't be a bad system, many of the states south of the border implement the stamp system for certain species. Wisconsin for example has a 10$ stamp permitting you to fish great lakes salmon and steelhead
The extra money wouldn't hurt, and as the fake article states its easily affortable.
LOL..I knew immediately this was an April Fool's joke, which made it all the more funny when I started reading everyone's responses.