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Ontario Fishing Forums

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lyndseyjm said:
Hey crowd,

I'm from Ottawa and like to fish for Trout and Bass, I love to get out near the water and enjoy the day.
Nice to meet everyone!

Welome aboard. I got your PM. Gift on it's way!
Hey guys, my name is Trevor. I live in Ajax now, just moved out here from Scarborough. I like to go carp fishing from shore since I don't own a boat. Any hot spots in the Ajax area that some of you know about?
Tr3vWh0r3 said:
Hey guys, my name is Trevor. I live in Ajax now, just moved out here from Scarborough. I like to go carp fishing from shore since I don't own a boat. Any hot spots in the Ajax area that some of you know about?

Welcome! The best thing to do is ask that question in the forum. We have a couple of carp fishermen who probably know the better spots in your area and they might be able to point you in the right direction.

PM me your mailing address and I'll send your welcome gift to ya!

Hey everybody,

My name is Danny, I live in Toronto and I've loved fishing ever since my grandpa used to teach me how to hold a rod at the age of 5. Whenever I get the chance for a getaway, I like to take nightly drives looking for the wildest places for catfish or pike.
mr_horse said:
Hey everybody,

My name is Danny, I live in Toronto and I've loved fishing ever since my grandpa used to teach me how to hold a rod at the age of 5. Whenever I get the chance for a getaway, I like to take nightly drives looking for the wildest places for catfish or pike.

Welcome to the site Danny!

We look forward to hearing about your wild pike and catfish adventures!

PM me your mailing address and I'll send the welcome wagon your way!

Hi yall, i'm J.R. and i've just moved to guelph....any ideas where the best fishing is around here? Thanks.
Hey ppl! The names Ben, living in Guelph right now. Generally fish for bass, pike and cats :wink: I will be out for the trout opener in a few weeks though :?
jrs101 and soulseeker77, welcome aboard!

I'm not from the guelph area, but I'm sure that if you ask around the forum, you'll find members who know a bit about fishing in your area.

PM me you mailing addresses.

Hello Everyone,
I'm Julie. I used to fish all the time with my Grandfather in Lake Erie (bass and perch mostly). I hoping to get back into fishing soon, and will be keeping my eye on the posts for the bests spots :wink:
my name is chiwah. i am a newbie in here or even thought in fishig. Went to buckhorn last year and got a small bass. It was fun and get more interesting. Hope to know more people and more information in here. :wink:
Hello guys, I'm new to this forum and I found out about this from Not only I joined for the freebie, I came here to seek knowledge from other fellow fishermen. I'm part of the OFN Community Forum and I thought about expanding to this site.

I've recently picked up fishing in 2007 and ever since then, I've been hooked. Since I am limited to fishing only in Toronto by public transit, I can only fish in this area. I can only fish during spring/summer (no school) and what I like to go for are Large Mouth Bass , perch, crappie and sunfishes.

I hope to find young fishermen like my self on this forum and maybe hook up in the Toronto area. Anyways thats about it :wink:.
Anatzz said:
Hello guys, I'm new to this forum and I found out about this from Not only I joined for the freebie, I came here to seek knowledge from other fellow fishermen. I'm part of the OFN Community Forum and I thought about expanding to this site.

I've recently picked up fishing in 2007 and ever since then, I've been hooked. Since I am limited to fishing only in Toronto by public transit, I can only fish in this area. I can only fish during spring/summer (no school) and what I like to go for are Large Mouth Bass , perch, crappie and sunfishes.

I hope to find young fishermen like my self on this forum and maybe hook up in the Toronto area. Anyways thats about it :wink:.

Thanks for registering and joining our forum! Hope everyone can share good knowledge among us (only). :?

And I have to say... YOU are the absolute perfect candidate to join this forum. We absolutely are into discovering the best urban fishing.

So stay, enjoy, share & share.
Hi everyone!

My name is Tery, I'm from France but have been living in Canada for 7 years now. And since the first month, I've been fishing here with eyes wide open and smile never going down! Wow! Love fishing in Canada! The fishing styles are so different and more enjoyable. Don't have the time to take a nap! :? Last year, I bought my first fishing boat! I was so excited about it! But funny stories happenend too! I was wondering if there was a post for that kind of stories!

When I was young, I used to go fishing with my grand father, in very small rivers to catch crappies. That is where it all started!

I sent you a mp, but I'm not sure it did work. So please let me know if not.
( sorry for my bad English... I do my best! Hopefully, you don't hear me!!! :wink: )
Hi my name is walt, I've been fishing all my life (and im pretty old lol). I am a member at a couple of fishing forums and i am looking forward to hearing reports and giving the odd report myself.
Hello, greetings from Ottawa. I've been actually looking for forums/websites for tips and information for fishing, mainly for Ottawa River area. I am very much new to fishing (this is gonna be my 2nd fishing season)

I can't wait for summer fishing season to start!
Hello , i would like to join this forum i ve have only recently started to fish and have alot to learn so i guess this is the place to name is ang . I also would like to recieve free gifts to add to my tackle box which is almost empty at this time, not sure what to get how do i get the free gifts ?i have not been asked for my address? is this for real?
Just joined. I fish mostly on the St Lawrence River around Brockville.

Heard about this through
Hi All,

I'm Dalton from North York,ON. I think this is a great initiative and kudos to the Admins and organizers for creating this forum. Will look to participate more frequently.

Hey gang,

I'm in Richmond Hill and fish mostly for bass, pike, walleye. I'm looking forward to the posts and the knowledge share.

Hi, I am Gary from North York, new to Ontario from Alberta, so looking forward to hit the Lakes and other fishing spots!
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