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Ontario Fishing Forums

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my name is Ali and i am new member . I found this forum on Kijiji website. i like to go for fishing but i do not know where to go in toronto and surrounding areas. If some body can guide me about it, i will be appriciate. I hope that senior members will welcome me including administrator.
welcome for anyguideline for me as beginer.
Holy Sweet Jesus!!!! Toooooooberrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

arghhum.... Welcome to the board Toober, I hope you enjoy your time here at Ontario Fishing Forums!
Welcome to the board Ali! We have many helpful members here that can help you find places to fish in Toronto. PM me your mailing address and I'll send the Welcome wagon your way.

Oh, and Toober, PM me your mailing address I'll send the welcome wagon your way as well. :wink:
Hello everyone my name is Kevin and kudos to a great board.I live in Stouffville ,Ontario just north of Markham.I have been a fishing addict for many ,many years and hope never to be cured. :mrgreen:
Welcome aboard Kevin!

PM me your mailing address for you welcome wagon gift!

I look forward to hearing from you in the forum!

Hi, Tom here from Mississauga, looking to talk to some of you guys about what's working for you, on the Credit River fishing for steelhead.
Spinninreel said:
Hi, Tom here from Mississauga, looking to talk to some of you guys about what's working for you, on the Credit River fishing for steelhead.

Hi Tom, the best thing to do is start a topic in the general fishing discussion area. BTW, I didn't get your mailing address!
Hello everyone just registered I live in the Mississauga area and last year was running around the conservation areas "Terra Cotta, Orangeville, caledon, port credit". this year looking to find some good spots to fish :mrgreen:
hi im mike and love fishing and looking forward to it this summer. Hope to get some good tips from here
Welcome Ncrossley and Macxx1!

Please PM your mailing addresses and I'll send the welcome wagon out to you!

Everyone else who has not yet PM'd your mailing addresses, please do so or I can't mail your gift to you!
Hi My name is Asat Voong and I love fishing since I was a kid. I started fishing when I about 8 years old with a bunch of friends from Ottawa. We each bought ourselves a kid's fishing rod set at Canadian Tire. Boy, it was the greatest gift I ever bought for myself. My dad was not a fisherman so my friends and I learned to fish from our own basic skills.
It was not a hard thing to do. Cause we started with worms we dugged from the ground and a hook on the fishing line. Caught lots of sunfish, and some BASS. We were amazed with our catches cause that time these little sunfish realy gave us a fight.....Quite rewarding since we were beginners. Ever since then, I still love to fish. I like to find out new places to fish in Ontario where the BASS and Pickeral are. Maybe Crappie and Pike are fine as well but I love the fight of a BASS. It's good to eat as well. I no longer use worms but Power Baits and Lures. It's a great feeling to finally get a chance to use actual lures and make them work for me. So if anyone knows of any good lakes in Ontario that has good BASS around, please let me know. I have a one year daughter who I will teach to fish cause I will fish till I die.

By the way, my address is 34 Pape Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4M 2V6.

Hey guys, new here, and relatively new to fishing as well (started fishing about 2 years ago, on and off!).

Going to go on my first fishing trip of the year on the 12th of April near Barrie. Looking forward to it as the weather clears up!

I hope to learn a lot from the experience of folks on here, and hope to be able to contribute something useful myself :mrgreen:.
hi my name is raaj, and i live in toronto, go fishing alot but can always learn some new things and tips, so hope people keep posting things, read a few great fishing tips already which im looking forward to using .THANKS!!

My name is Faisal and I am relatively new to fishing (especially in Ontario). I am from India and we rarely had an opportunity to fish in rivers and lakes. However, I have done a bit of deep sea fishing. Now that I have moved to Ontario, I always trying to find opportunities and places to go freshwater fishing even though I do not get as many bites as I would like to.

I really like this website and with the the help that is given I hope to overcome my fishing weaknesses.

Great Job with this site!

My name is Andy and I have been fishing in Ontario for the apst 20 years. I like sifhing very much. I used to have my own boat but I had to give it up when my previous house was sold. I am planning to buy another one since I have moved to a house recently.

Hi all ,I am Rubin and new to this. Great hook up since I am a dedicated fishing fan I have reviewed the forum and is very excited with the type of information avaiable. It is going to make my fishing easier

Rubin, andyyik, passingthrough, lansdowne03, mclarensmps and avoong07, welcome aboard!

Please enjoy the site, and PM your mailing addresses to receive your gift!

Hello everyone! I'm Jason. I stumbled upon this site, much like Fergie did when she wrote the song stumbling. To tell you in all honesty, I feel like I'm stumbling all over the place to find out what I was sopposed to do to post a few words about myself. Finally I got lucky and decifered the directions on how to post. To do the pm thing is another story yet to unfold. The only meaning I get from pm is two things: First it means after 12 in the afternoon and the second thing it means to me is that it is the abreviation for the prime minister of canada. Maybe with a guide dog I would be adle to figure this site out much easier. In due time I guess I'll figure all the headings and terminology.
So, enough said on that. Now a little about myself. Originally I came from the East Coast, which basically maens that I grew up with the fish. To some extent that might be true. There I fished basically at will. When I was younger with my father, and as I grew older by myself or with friends. As I grew older and I needed change in my life I moved from the East Coast to Toronto many years and still reside as of today. When I first arrived here you could almost fish in downtown Toronto. I was really involved in the sport of fishing way back than. A few tears down the road things changed that I slowed down on the amount of fishing I did. There were several reason for this. Man building everywhere, maybe that's why they have flying fish! The other reasons, work, women, and stolen fishing equipment. Over the last couple of years I decided to get back into it again. So I got a little bit of fishing equipment and took to the road. I personally preferred to fish for trout or just for the halibut and that cannot be caught here. I'm outta room, I gotta stop. Possible continuation in the next issue. Later.
Hi Jason, nice to see yet another east-coaster aboard. Welcome!

"PM" means to private message. There is a little pm icon underneath my name, next to a little envelope icon. Just hit that PM icon and you can Private message me with your mailing address. Once you do that, I can send you out a little gift. :mrgreen:

Enjoy your stay. Cheers.
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