Night Fishing

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
Does anyone do any night Fishing for steelhead. I've never done it so curious if some people even do.

If so, what gear / set up you use?
FrequentFlyer said:
lots of people do, they just attach glow sticks to the tops of their floats
^^this^^ and if you are lucky a spot to make a little fire.
I'll be getting on the water when it's dark and have limited time on the morning so I'll give it a try. Beads and roe?

Would they even see it at night?
Paul1913 said:
I'll be getting on the water when it's dark and have limited time on the morning so I'll give it a try. Beads and roe?
Would they even see it at night?
Paul1913 said:
I'll be getting on the water when it's dark and have limited time on the morning so I'll give it a try. Beads and roe?

Would they even see it at night?
they are a very deep water fish. they have very good eye sight. also some colours are better seen in the dark. there is a few charts around that explains visibility and fish sight.
they will hit roe at night. glowbeads work nice as do regular beads.
they can see a lot better then most people give credit for at night. also roe leaves a scent trail.

i try to fish my line under the float a bit shorter at night because i find if they can see your bait silhouette against the sky above their heads, it offers more visibility then if its crawling along the bottom hidden in the shadows and gravel.
disregard that if using glowbeads.

good luck bud
Try a flatfish as well, was smoking the Steelhead and Browns on it today, and I imagine it would work well at night.
Old stinky roe carries scent farther and stronger when the fish are using scent to feed.
ALL THE TIME!!! lol, I hate crowds most of my steel fishing is done at night, glow bead and fly or roe, no need for a light on the float but do as you prefer, (I just go by feel), I have actually had lore luck on a bead and fly at night this year than on roe and a bead, have gotten browns and lots of steel, a few really nice ones topping 12 pounds as well.