OFF Island Derby + G2G

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
So i read in a topic some where today, someone made a suggestion about an island tournament. Well I thought id start it out, and go from there. And whoever said the idea, please speak up,lol.

So what does everyone else think about this, who be interested in doing this, any ideas on how to run this, would it be limited to just shore, or boats as well? What would everyone's input be and how it should be ran?

I think if we did it as shore only would make things equal for everyone. Maybe if there's anyone with a company that we get prizes donated for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place? Somehow get it advertised and posted, that registrations has to be done through OFF?

I hope this can go well, and maybe do it like twice a year? late spring and early fall?

Looking forward to all the input I can get and all the help.
Re: Island tournament.

Thanks, I think it would be an AWESOME idea!! would u be interested in participating?

I've been brainstorming a lot of idea, n with me leaving fri till sat/sun for my gfs cottage, im gunna have alot of idea, to brainstorm even more.

all thoughts n idea's welcomed please!
Re: Island tournament.

It shouldn't be that difficult to set something's just getting a date in which everyone is available.

things required:
tape measure
camera for photo proof
OFF sign :D

Winner could either have biggest fish (length or weight), or most fish (quantity), or whatever we set it as.
Re: Island tournament.

Shouldn't be. I went to bed after my last post, and well i couldnt sleep, cause i had a lot running thru my mind, and ive been writing it all down. Like to start off, do make it a 1 day tourney, or a 2day? what sponsorship can we get? basproshops n what not, n see what they type of business can give for 1-3rd place winners. I think the best would be, weighing them all in. have a designated place were you'll need to bring you fish back to be weighed in.

like you said, day that works, which would be a weekend day, or whole weekend. need to set out guidelines, if we need there to be a minimum size, so that were not hurting any ones too small if that matters? make sure that everyone knows what is in season, do we limit it to, just shoreline, or shoreline n boats? drinking? cause prob a lot of people like to drink while fishing, do we do an entry fee depending on costs that might be associated with doing this.

I have a lot written down. Would need a spot on the forums for it, for registration, a spot on the website that can be accessed and updated on a regular basis. Need some people who can donate their time to help set this up, make phone calls, get sponsorship.

I dont think there is that much, yet there is a lot. But it just takes a bit of time. First thing would be to find out from city of Toronto, or whoever be in charge of the islands to make sure we can put this on, and not conflicting with anything. I'm awaiting on a PM back, and once i get that PM back i'm going to start laying everything out that needs to be done. I'm going to spend most of my time i'm cooped up inside, to type it all out, and be in a presentable manner. So hopefully when I get back from the cottage, would be able to start email everyone I would need to, and make it official os possible. Lets hope can make this a annul thing, even twice a year, a spring n fall one?

I'm really excited about this idea, n its actually keep me from sleeping,lol would need a banner made up, cause any sponsorship we get is going need to be shown, can't go w/o showing it, and of course in the middle of the banner, we need to have the OFF logo like you said, and lets hope we get one soon, thats amazing and we go with.
Re: Island tournament.

a suggestion on how to judge would be to have a limit of how many fish you can have and add all of the fishes weight and lenght together and have a winner for most total weight and one for total lenght
just a thought
Re: Island tournament.

I never thought about a limit on the number of fish. I guess that would make everyone to bring in only the fastest and longest ones. But what would be a good number? 10? I'm going to need a input from everyone on that please???
Re: Island tournament.

I was thinking about this last night how to make it work so I can still let the fish go but keep it fair.


Need a camera, OFF gives each participant a printed slip with the logo of OFF and the date, That's logo/data has to be in any pix taken of a fish that day.

Start and end times, and post all pix and find a winner.

We don't want to run around the island measuring things lets just all fish be fair take a pix with the logo and its fair.

Loser buys everyone dinner? And an entry fee or just keep it a friendly competiton?

I don't have a scale by the way, length everyone can deal with that but a pix is a pix and u wont come close to mine anyways hahaha talking myself up ow no hahaha
Re: Island tournament.

I've been running all of that thru my head as well. And like you said you dont have a scale, i dont, i'm prob not going to have money to pay for one since im still unemployed, and new rod n reel is more important, since if i dont have one, theres no point me having a scale to weigh what i can't catch,lol..:D

But I would like for the fish to be released as well, that was something on my list i wrote down last night,lol, n like u said can't have someone running around. What was kinda running thru my head is that, maybe along the ways of sponsorship with BPS or another outdoor shop, that will not give, but lend or provide, a means of getting them from your fishing spot, back to a weigh in station? And at that station, what would be the best way to weigh in? do we weigh each fish separately? or in a like bucket that has water in it all the time, but than the water weight could change with moving wish. How does that sound Cause while your still fishing, you could set up one of those lines that stay in the water and keep the fish? i dont know what there called. lol. or if the have a proper storage outside the water, depending on what we could get from an outdoors shop.
Re: Island tournament.

First BPS isnt gunna sponsor no tourney and even if they did it gets complicated forget that, lets just keep it fun then no worries we all enjoy fishing and a day out.

As for the stringer NO WAY, u can't keep a fish on a stringer and then release it thats terrible. A bucket is even worse!

Just a take a pix and let her go to fight another day.
Re: Island tournament.

Toronto Island fishery is under enough pressure...everything should be catch and release there.....not to rain on your parade Porter but Im not sure there is enough active users on this board to get a tournament going...I could be wrong though
Re: Island tournament.

I'm aware of that, i thought of that, but if can get people who live by an outdoors shop, i'll send out and advertisement type flyer page that could be printed n with premession be posted, like le barons, BPS, any ones that r not know except for the people around there. word of mouth to friends who wish. it wont be anything big at the beginning but thats fine, got to grow somehow right,lol.
Re: Island tournament.

Maybe it couldstart as a an OFF GTG at the islands? Do a small bbq and a small just for fun tourney or something?
Re: Island tournament.

What does the GTG stand for? and yes it could, I am down for any idea's. I am up to all ideas n opinions, theres no idea, or opinion. All idea's welcomed lol.
Re: Island tournament.

Porter86 said:
What does the GTG stand for? and yes it could, I am down for any idea's. I am up to all ideas n opinions, theres no idea, or opinion. All idea's welcomed lol.

lol sorry it stands for Get ToGether
Re: Island tournament.

ohh okay, in all the abbreviations ive used, i've never used that as that its always been got to go,lol.
Re: Island tournament.

What day would work best, a sat or sun? Since dont know how many people work on sat & sun's or who goes to church? So please let me know.
Re: Island tournament.

Who knows if there's like picnic benches and like fire pit or whatever, so that we could do a BBQ as toronto angler suggested, i like that idea.
Re: Island tournament.

hey porter, just look on google maps and look on the satelite images to check out the islands