Ontario Anglers Award

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David Kearney

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
He he...I just got my 1`st Ontario Anglers Award from O.F.A.H, this is cool, I feel like a kid again. I entered my carp...it just qualified by 1 inch...30 inches is the minnimum. It`s my goal to get as many of these as possible this year. It`s alotta fun! Thanks to diggyj for the post introducing this to me! much appreciated. They send you a certificate to hang on a wall, and a sticker as well for the old tackle box...gonna display it proudley!!
I'm up to 2 one pike and the one big trout, and they wont allow out of season fish to be added the bass got rejected.

Anyone out this weekend don't see any new reports? Water was way too muddy on the rivers this weekend!
Of course they won't accept an OOS fish, can't believe you even tried to enter it. LMAO.

Way to go David, congrats. I love getting the certificates and decals. Here are some of mine...... :mrgreen:


By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-04

Hope to see many entries from all the board members.

Certificates on the walls for those who catch few and very far between and need a reminder I think I can I know I can the certif proves it? hahahaha

Enter a real tourney and win something, I have and got one first place trophy to show for it so at least I can say yes I have won one. "Pix on it's way to prove it"

And as for OOS I figure it like this: there using the site to accumulate data on Ontario and maintain stats on the fish caught in different bodies of water right, so submitting everything only helps that's the way I look at it the more they got the more they know the better there judgment calls.
diggy congrats on the certificates...pretty cool stuff....i get the pics of the better fish kearney and i catch enlarged to hang on the walls...i think i am gonna frame the lure that hooked me,the pic of it embedded in my hand and the hand surgeon's report on my wall to remind me that 6.5 hours at the hospital is the price you pay for not being careful enough to respect the hooks on your lures...
That is awsome I might start to do the same, if nothing else it is proof to all the fish story's. :mrgreen: :p :?
tangledline said:
diggy congrats on the certificates...pretty cool stuff....i get the pics of the better fish kearney and i catch enlarged to hang on the walls...i think i am gonna frame the lure that hooked me,the pic of it embedded in my hand and the hand surgeon's report on my wall to remind me that 6.5 hours at the hospital is the price you pay for not being careful enough to respect the hooks on your lures...
Sorry to hear about your missfourtune and it's good to see that you can laugh about it and yes very good idea to respect those hooks since we keep them sharp to hook the big one not us. :mrgreen: Since you were heading to the island when it happened where are some good area's to fish down there?
[/quote]Sorry to hear about your missfourtune and it's good to see that you can laugh about it and yes very good idea to respect those hooks since we keep them sharp to hook the big one not us. :mrgreen: Since you were heading to the island when it happened where are some good area's to fish down there?[/quote]

You can literally fish anywhere that you can access the water, but a good place to start is The grandstand on center!

good luck!

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