Pike attack

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010
Anyone know what may have caused these gashes on this pike?

I see a very large osprey patrolling the area in which I caught it, as well as great blue herons. There are also huge pike there, gar pike, and the odd muskie.

nice pike salmotrutta, don't know wich one gave him those scars, but it could posibly be any of the ones you mentioned.Maybe somone else will recognize those scars/wounds from a fish they caught with simiar gashes.
Salmo, how long did you stay fishing? You probably missed the bigger badder pike that did that. I know they eat their kind. you had a nice pike cut bait on your hands...PM if you don't mind sharing that spot too.
rich_ace_G said:
Salmo, how long did you stay fishing? You probably missed the bigger badder pike that did that. I know they eat their kind. you had a nice pike cut bait on your hands...PM if you don't mind sharing that spot too.
Imagine the pike that tried to take a chunk out of that (the pike in the picture looks to be about 2 feet long so i'd imagine a pike would have to be 3-4 feet to attack him)

I'd like to think it was a pike, but I think more likely a predatory bird, all speculation though on my part
How long did you fight the fish?? A few weeks back I caught a pike that size and was letting it ware itself out/set up my gopro when i felt a VERY large tug... much bigger then the fight fish has been giving. When I reeled it in there were similar marks on its back half. Next cast to the same spot I had a very large muskie smash my lure - missed it on the hook set but got to see what left those marks.

Bassassins said:
How long did you fight the fish?? A few weeks back I caught a pike that size and was letting it ware itself out/set up my gopro when i felt a VERY large tug... much bigger then the fight fish has been giving. When I reeled it in there were similar marks on its back half. Next cast to the same spot I had a very large muskie smash my lure - missed it on the hook set but got to see what left those marks.

I never thought of that, that's very possible. I didn't fight it for long. It took a few good runs, leaped straight out of the water with a couple head shakes/thrashes, and I brought it in. My drag wasn't set very tight at all, so I could see a larger fish trying to grab it and causing those wounds, going unnoticed by me.

I was leaning towards some bird of prey being the culprit.
The looks of the cut seem to be just a typical fish on fish battle. A lot of smaller pike will have those gashes on them. Osprey wont really go that often for a fish that is approx 2 feet in length but still possible. I know a lot of smaller pike to get hit by bigger pike or muskie. Either a hunger reason or sometimes they are known to strike out of defense.
i just love the fight of the pike next to the trout of course. i love the pike because it doesn't seem to serface. so, its hard to judge the size. i've never caught a muskie. how is the fight?