Kasim Baluch
Well-Known Member
"O" Rings are NOT necessarily "Key" for Wacky Rigging, they are also the most expensive($3.00 for 20) way to go along with the "O" Ring Rigger.
There are at least 4/5 other ways to go, such as feeding the Shank UP through the worm and coming up and through the top, and the Hook gets inserted into the bottom of the worm
Also a Pen casing taken apart and used as the Rigger with Elastic Hair Bands Turned Twice.
A guy I know uses X-Small Electric Line Ties (Pull Through unti tight then cut off) $2/$3 Bucks for a hundred or so.
You can also insert small Brad Nails in the ends of the worm to make them "Bow More" and Gyrate more than a Plain Worm. Etc. ETc. Etc.
While we're on the Topic of "Different Lures" I bought the "Live Target" 3-1/2" Top Water Field Mouse $12.00 (Below) last Spring. I had to buy 2 more during the Summer. BIG Bass and BIG Pike just devour them!! I might Retire my Hula Poppers!! ...LOL..
There are many different Means and Techiques to catch Fish. All you have to do is get all the "Filters" out of the way that (Who Knows?) put their in the first place.
Always wondered! For the "weedless" set up for the wacky rigs, do you do the same thing as with the wacky set up as in toss it in, let it sink and just lift your rod tip up or can you reel and pause type of deal? Haven't caught a bass on the weedless set up just yet!