Pink worm rig

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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
hey guys i just picked up a pack of the berkely pink worm and am not to sure on how to rig setup sould be. i would like to have the right presentation so i could hopefully catch MY FIRST trib fish. btw ty to all who have replied to my other posts and sharing your knowledge.

btw where can i find these trout beads?

hey guys i just picked up a pack of the berkely pink worm and am not to sure on how to rig setup sould be. i would like to have the right presentation so i could hopefully catch MY FIRST trib fish. btw ty to all who have replied to my other posts and sharing your knowledge.

btw where can i find these trout beads?


Hi Devin

Check Steelhead Setup post and there is one other good post its called Adjusting transitioning from salmon to trout. There is a ton of tips.
Good fishing.
lotta ways to rig pink worms i just stick my thru the middle of the worm
looks something like this
fast and easy and i catch fish, for beads u can order online, i just got some today from mikes web site
holy smokes that was fast :p thanks guys. im checking trough that onee thread atm and thanks for the pic of the worm. i was on youtube and they had some other type where i need a needle and stuff. ty guys!
yeah i use to use the needle but it takes forever and stabbed my self a few times lol. above method will catch u fish as well and is very simple.
Grimsby Tackle sells all of the trout beads. If you're in the area...

This is my pink worms rig. I thread it through, simple enough. Add a bit of super glue where the line enters and exists the worm to prevent it from sliding up and down on the line. I find the line will slice through the worm during repeated casting if you don't glue it down. Good luck :mrgreen:

Grimsby Tackle sells all of the trout beads. If you're in the area

This is my pink worms rig. I also thread it through, simple enough. Add a bit of super glue where the line enters and exists the worm to prevent it from sliding up and down on the line. I find the line will slice through the worm during repeated casting if you don't glue it down. Good luck :mrgreen:


yeah thats the one i was talking about. is superglue safe to use on a leader?
put the shots above the swivel on your main line. I rarely ever run shots on my leader unless i'm fishin fast water and need to get the bait down faster.
this is a great instructional video made by my co worker out west
hey guys i just picked up a pack of the berkely pink worm and am not to sure on how to rig setup sould be. i would like to have the right presentation so i could hopefully catch MY FIRST trib fish.

Very Important:

Both Posted Pics (So far) show a very EXPOSED hook.
This will certainly gaurantee a great hook set.

The fish is going to be focusing on the Natural presentation of the worm, the colour, the movement, the scent.
Dont worry about having a "Tiny" extrusion.
yeah thats the one i was talking about. is superglue safe to use on a leader?

I haven't had any issue with it. I use 6lb. stren lo-vis green for my leader. A small dab is all you need. Then again, if you are weary, you don't need to use it.
this is a great instructional video made by my co worker out west

I remember watching this before. Makes me want to go to BC. This is another good video:
put the shots above the swivel on your main line. I rarely ever run shots on my leader unless i'm fishin fast water and need to get the bait down faster.

Ya i think im going to start using shorter fluro leaders and not put any shots on them. Except for maybe one very small micro shot. Save some money as fluro can get expensive when you use leaders as long as I do.
Ya i think im going to start using shorter fluro leaders and not put any shots on them. Except for maybe one very small micro shot. Save some money as fluro can get expensive when you use leaders as long as I do.

Yeah if you put your split shots above your swivel you can always keep your leader around 2 feet long. Save yourself some money :D
Trout beads you can get from Bronte outdoor, Mississauga, lebaron outdoors Mississauga, and Hamilton outdoor world, about 2bucks a pack
Trout beads you can get from Bronte outdoor, Mississauga, lebaron outdoors Mississauga, and Hamilton outdoor world, about 2bucks a pack