Port Credit: Salmon “pier” fishing tips for noobs

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Anyone know if walking to the rocks past the east docks and climbing the fence is part of "not allowed" in August part?

U know the part where the east dock runs out and there's a fence on the left. People can walk there to the rock walls
Starbucks side is Jc Saddington park. Was out there this morning from 6 to 8:30 and had one salmon come off the hook and also lost my x-rap to a snag. Guess i just have to keep trying <_<
One of most important equipment many many many people do not bother with is... a LONG HANDLE NET!

Most of the places especially the piers/break wall, you can NOT land a fish without a net.

So spend a few dollar and buy yourself a Loooong handle net, please.

I like to bring this topic up every season to let those (#*&%$)Q people that they'll just other's nets, or someone will always volunteer to net the fish for them. Sorry to be mean but hope your best outting is day when it's full of people like you who don't bother bringing a net for whatever reason.
Another reason I bring this topic is because I have experienced people who just pick up my net or other peoples' net if it is next to them without asking, or asked to use it but brings it back without washing the slime off the net?
or lifting heavy fish with net handle horizontal?
or bring back the net after many minutes later making the owner worry?
Oh and there are those without net always walk around the pier fighting the fish and magically stop to land fish where they see a net. haha

I most of the time will help land a fish, with their net or with my net if they are too lazy to have their own net.
One time, I purposely didn't bother helping a person who was about to land a fish (bring your own net next time!!), and I could tell the person looking over the shoulder to see if anyone is bothering to come over to assist. Sure enough after several over the shoulder look, he asks me, "HEY! buddy can you help me net the fish?"
Sure enough, i did help but I remember netting the fish and flipping the net the dump the fish on the rock.

Phew~~ I have only gone out once but I just wanted to say this. Rant gone too long again~ sorry.

By the way, I really would like to know why! some people just does not bother to have a net?

Thank you and enjoy.
One of most important equipment many many many people do not bother with is... a LONG HANDLE NET!

Most of the places especially the piers/break wall, you can NOT land a fish without a net.

So spend a few dollar and buy yourself a Loooong handle net, please.

I like to bring this topic up every season to let those (#*&%$)Q people that they'll just other's nets, or someone will always volunteer to net the fish for them. Sorry to be mean but hope your best outting is day when it's full of people like you who don't bother bringing a net for whatever reason.
Another reason I bring this topic is because I have experienced people who just pick up my net or other peoples' net if it is next to them without asking, or asked to use it but brings it back without washing the slime off the net?
or lifting heavy fish with net handle horizontal?
or bring back the net after many minutes later making the owner worry?
Oh and there are those without net always walk around the pier fighting the fish and magically stop to land fish where they see a net. haha

I most of the time will help land a fish, with their net or with my net if they are too lazy to have their own net.
One time, I purposely didn't bother helping a person who was about to land a fish (bring your own net next time!!), and I could tell the person looking over the shoulder to see if anyone is bothering to come over to assist. Sure enough after several over the shoulder look, he asks me, "HEY! buddy can you help me net the fish?"
Sure enough, i did help but I remember netting the fish and flipping the net the dump the fish on the rock.

Phew~~ I have only gone out once but I just wanted to say this. Rant gone too long again~ sorry.

By the way, I really would like to know why! some people just does not bother to have a net?

Thank you and enjoy.
Ha ha ha
Mikey has a thing about nets lol
Ha ha ha
Mikey has a thing about nets lol

lol ..

He's just stating the OBVIOUS.
I'm NO HYPOCRITE... (not saying I have not used anyones)

Point well made.

We have 100's in equipment (lures, rods, reels, line)
Bring the Extra's ( Drinks, Barbecues, Chairs, Tents...)

You'd think a LANDING NET would be common sense.
Even if you add an "Extension" (Broom handle) like I have done.... beats not having an ESSENTIAL PART of the whole outing.

Mikey, maybe they were "NOT PLANNING" on catching anything?

lol ..

He's just stating the OBVIOUS.
I'm NO HYPOCRITE... (not saying I have not used anyones)

Point well made.

We have 100's in equipment (lures, rods, reels, line)
Bring the Extra's ( Drinks, Barbecues, Chairs, Tents...)

You'd think a LANDING NET would be common sense.
Even if you add an "Extension" (Broom handle) like I have done.... beats not having an ESSENTIAL PART of the whole outing.

Mikey, maybe they were "NOT PLANNING" on catching anything?


i thought you said you beat the fish with broom stick to land a fish.
i thought you said you beat the fish with broom stick to land a fish.


Sometimes.... I just keep a few lines I find with 80lb Braid and some Good ole SIZE "Huge" Treble hooks.

Save about 4-5 of these, and then ... when you got the Salmon close to shore, just throw over your lines and SNAG EM IN.

Works like a charm.
Totally agree about the net, not that ihaven't borrowed one.
I was going fishing and the wife was teasing me..."what's the net for? are you sure you going to catch anything?"
I'm like "it's better to get skunked with a net, than catch something without one." Odd thing was a caught a 3 lb. pike that same day. better skunked than sorry i guess.
The actual net is 2 feet long and 2 feet wide. The depth is 16 inches. The handle extends to 8 feet so my estimate was off in my earlier post. The mesh is rubber.

i got almost the same net, for the same price except mine only extends for 6feet.
Pier fishing should be ok over the weekend :cool:
