Posting with a picture attached.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
Im sorry if someone has already posted instructions on how to attach a photo to one of their posts, i looked but could not find anything.
I wanted to get my first report up and let everyone see what I caught at Bronte Pier Last week and have yet to because i cant get anything working,
Please let me know how I could attach multiple photos to include a map ect.
Thnx alot guys/gals
No problem man.

First what you gotta do is upload the image somewhere, such as Photobucket. They will give you the address to that picture. Copy that. highlight the http:// stuff and press(CTRL+C)

Next when your in the window writing a post, you click the Img button at the top. Its in between the '*' and 'URl' buttons.

The cursor will go right in between the two img tags. Press (CTRL + V) to paste the adress in.
As for maps, what I do is i use MS paintbrush. I open up google maps and press the PRINT SCREEN button on the keyboard. Then i open paitnbrush, paste (ctrl+v), crop what I dont need, and save it as a gif. Upload to photobucket and follow the instructions above.

It seems complicated but you will get really fast at it.

Some forums like this one have "Upload Attachment" features, but I havent toyed with it yet.
You can also upload to our own server.

If you look on the bottom... below the [save][preview][submit] button.
You see a tab "Upload attachment"

Click that and you can upload to OFF server.
BUT! Please do remember to resize your picture size and save some bandwidth for our server. Reason is because pic. will be automatically resized anyways. I recommend 1024x768 as a good size. and keep the original size in your own computer.
And yes, using upload sites like Photobucket is good idea too.
Nice Thanks man, im going to throw it up today sometime, im leaving in 45,mins to go get 2 wisdom teeth not looking forward to theat, but having the next 2 days off because of it im sure i can get in a couple hours of fishing sometime.
Thnx again man and hope all is well with you.