pre made leader lines storage help

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2013
Hey guys recently got into center pin and was just wondering what is the best way to keep pre made leaders with split shots and hooks attached so in the event of a break I can easily and quickly get back to fishing. Thanks for having a look.
I do the exact same thing as is in this pic.

Shawarma said:
Lets try that one. It's just pipe insulation I had laying around. I've read some people use a dowel inside to keep it firm.. Put some nails in it to slip your swivel over it. Search for it on google and you'll get some ideas. It's pretty similar to the commercial ones out there. Works great.. Doesn't dull your hooks and light.
That's actually really cool ill try that out thanks for the help.
nice idea with that pipe foam.. gonna have to make one of these!
been using large pieces of cork up to now but that looks much easier/neater
So I have been looking for corkies like the one in Shawarma's pic but I just can't seem to find them. Does anyone know where I can find them? I don't have the means to drive to BPS and I couldn't find them at Sail or LeBaron. Are there any other stores which carries them?
I did try Angling Specialties but I will also try With A Fly tackle shop and Bronte Outdoor.
king_Fisher said:
Hey knuguy do you find that something inside really helps out?
I think so, but I don't know for sure because I didn't make any w/o it. As I recall, they felt a bit floppy and I had the tube lying around so I inserted it. I'm sure you could find some plastic tube, or just buy a wood dowel.
Mine is without the dowel/plastic tube inside. I'm going to put a dowel or something else inside it so i can attach the swivels to a nail or something. Right now the swivel end just kinda hangs there, or tucked inside the pipe. It's awkward.