Pre season invasions.

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420fisherman said:
No but imma throw there fish back in the water. And tell them whats up. And what do you do ... Sit there and do nothing...exactly
sounds like an easy feat....
420fisherman said:
No but imma throw there fish back in the water. And tell them whats up. And what do you do ... Sit there and do nothing...exactly
Wow, I thought people who partook in the 4:20 were mellow types. See, what I did there? I just stereotyped pot heads as being mellow. Here's living proof that stereotypes are wrong. lol

But seriously, you're right, I don't dump their buckets in the water. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I do on the other hand give them a gentle reminder about what is in season and what the catch limits are in a freindly, courteous way. I don't expect you to understand this concept, but approaching people with a friendly attitude usually puts them at ease and a reasonable, rational person will usually be very receptive of the advice when presented in this manner. Especially if they did not realize they were doing something illegal.

Or you can just go up to them, scream in their faces and dump their buckets like a sociopath. Try it for real next time and tell us how it went.
If you take a passive approach to it, they are just going to play stupid like they all do. "Oh sorry I forgot rules"
Well right then and there is clear they dont have a license which is anotner thing that grinds my gears

I assume all...or most of us are law abiting citizens and we purchase our cards. What makes me mad, is that I ONLY C&R. When I see the white bucket brigade out in full force, it irritates me. Why should we pay for a license and reek no benefits over people who don't purchase one and rarly get caught?
GTAbassangler said:
If you take a passive approach to it, they are just going to play stupid like they all do. "Oh sorry I forgot rules"
Well right then and there is clear they dont have a license which is anotner thing that grinds my gears

I assume all...or most of us are law abiting citizens and we purchase our cards. What makes me mad, is that I ONLY C&R. When I see the white bucket brigade out in full force, it irritates me. Why should we pay for a license and reek no benefits over people who don't purchase one and rarly get caught?

Always continue to take the high road. As long as you're doing the right thing you are part of the solution.
They should honestly start making people take class like a hunting license but online.. Then there would be no excuses.
Kit said:
They should honestly start making people take class like a hunting license but online.. Then there would be no excuses.

You can teach a A-hole anything you want at the end of the day they are still an A-hole. But i like the idea and it would really take away the excuses.
OR they could invest more in the MNR wardens, add jobs, and actauly do something about problems like this.
BUT HEY WE LIVE IN CANADA and I cant rememeber the last time they spent our tax dollars on something that made sense
Do we have any Mods on this forum?
This thread should have been deleted long ago as per the forum rules. Like I said before, I am a regular "white guy" but even I take offense to the racism. I have many "ethnic friends"
It is not only ethnics that trash our waterways and kill fish that should be released. Some White Man do the same.
Let me say, that, we are all new here. The first nations people were here first and they respect all fish and wild-life and the environment. I know many and count them as my good friends. They are some of the best conservationists among us as they know the value of our fisheries and keep what they need, but release what they don't need. so future generations will also have fish to catch.

Alfiegee is right on point. Race color has nothing to do with. If your an a hole u will stay an a hole n will not change. Its sickenin to see the tiny fish getting kept. If you only c&r thats ur choice but dont get mad because someone decides to keep and eat. Everyone pays the same for their licence in the respected categories. Lets all just remind people we see doing wrong and try and correct the wrongdoings. Garbage, keeping OOS fish, and releasing fish improperly is unacceptable.
Fishheads said:
But i like the idea and it would really take away the excuses.

Yeah that's what I mean, sure its a money grab doing the classes but that extra cash goes to more MNR staffing.
How would a test work if I was only concerned with certain species? Should a bass fisherman have to be able to distinguish between different salmonoid? Or know about zones way outside their home area?
slicebranford said:
well hate to say it...
... sorry i may use a generic term .... i honestly dont care. I've never had problems with the locals around here except ...
im clearly stating a valid point...
in fact you dont hate to say it
you are not sorry
and yes you dont care
you do have problems with other people, you just choose to target "them"
just because you think you are saying something you believe in doesn't mean it is correct.

For most of us, fishing is about getting outside and enjoying what we have. If you see something wrong, go ahead and report it. I understand what you are saying when you see white buckets especially if it looks like they are illegally doing something. It's not right for you to target 1 group. I've seen plenty of western and eastern europeans with those buckets too. And clearly some shady locals who disappear at the first sight of others. Like someone else said, an ass is an ass no matter their origin. Doesnt make it right for you to behave equally or more despicably.
Alfiegee said:
Do we have any Mods on this forum?
This thread should have been deleted long ago as per the forum rules. Like I said before, I am a regular "white guy" but even I take offense to the racism. I have many "ethnic friends"
It is not only ethnics that trash our waterways and kill fish that should be released. Some White Man do the same.
Let me say, that, we are all new here. The first nations people were here first and they respect all fish and wild-life and the environment. I know many and count them as my good friends. They are some of the best conservationists among us as they know the value of our fisheries and keep what they need, but release what they don't need. so future generations will also have fish to catch.

All this has really gotta stop. Everyones screwed up on time or another. Everyone does things they shouldnt. There are lots of resources for the fishing community to learn whats right and wrong, and if you see something wrong on the river you should absolutely offer a positive alternate to what theyre doing. Putting people down, especially from a racial standpoint is certainly wrong. Especially when everyone here is sittin behind their phone or computer screens typing what they think is right and wrong. Of course the kind of stuff mentioned on here does bother me in some ways, but not everything can be perfect, and in my eyes its a lot more bothering to me that races are being put down. Were all fishermen. And women**. And i can guarantee the arguments and hurtful comments certainly wont change whats being argued. "Be the difference you want to see in the world". A quote i live by and something everyone should think about i think. Help people out !!! Some dont know! They need a talking to sometimes and that is fine! But man up and do it face to face when you see it, dont come back and put people down and point fingers, because everyone does screw up, some screw ups are just more noticeable than others. This post will probly piss a lot of people of but i think it has to be said ?
Bart...very true. My apologies for my post....tis been deleted. Hurtful comments won't help anything! Thank you for the reminder.
Im glad you agree ocd! My comment was not directed towards anyone in particular of course, just throwing it out there for everyone to kinda just pause and look at whats going on and if they think its really how the situation should be approached. All it is 👍
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