Pre season invasions.

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420fisherman said:
No but imma throw there fish back in the water. And tell them whats up. And what do you do ... Sit there and do nothing...exactly
Unless they are breaking some form of law/regulation, even if they have a shitton of fish (and remember, the daily limit for just sunfish is 50), you cant do anything against them. If you throw their fish back in, in my mind, you are worse than they are.
Bart said:
All this has really gotta stop. Everyones screwed up on time or another. Everyone does things they shouldnt. There are lots of resources for the fishing community to learn whats right and wrong, and if you see something wrong on the river you should absolutely offer a positive alternate to what theyre doing. Putting people down, especially from a racial standpoint is certainly wrong. Especially when everyone here is sittin behind their phone or computer screens typing what they think is right and wrong. Of course the kind of stuff mentioned on here does bother me in some ways, but not everything can be perfect, and in my eyes its a lot more bothering to me that races are being put down. Were all fishermen. And women**. And i can guarantee the arguments and hurtful comments certainly wont change whats being argued. "Be the difference you want to see in the world". A quote i live by and something everyone should think about i think. Help people out !!! Some dont know! They need a talking to sometimes and that is fine! But man up and do it face to face when you see it, dont come back and put people down and point fingers, because everyone does screw up, some screw ups are just more noticeable than others. This post will probly piss a lot of people of but i think it has to be said ?
Well said, Bart and much respect for your philosophy.
surprised this trash is still up.

depending on where you are youll see this retarded crowd of every background creed or color.

either try to be friendly and let them know or call the mnr/o.p.p(yes the opp or local police can and will deal with it.)

at the end of the day you should be the change you want to see.
people will follow by example unless they are just arseholes. and in that case nothing you do will change them anyways.
but mostly its because they just dont know. and ignorance is bliss sometimes.

nothing to get really worked up about unless its your job. lifes too short.
and it could be even shorter when 5 bucketheads shank you for trying to tough-guy them into conforming to your way.

glad to see a lot of people debunking the whole race card too because its complete garbage.
go to nova scotia youll see a different group then here. its all relative.

anyways my 2 cents before this is closed(hopefully) :)
Shmogley said:
surprised this trash is still up.

depending on where you are youll see this retarded crowd of every background creed or color.

either try to be friendly and let them know or call the mnr/o.p.p(yes the opp or local police can and will deal with it.)

at the end of the day you should be the change you want to see.
people will follow by example unless they are just arseholes. and in that case nothing you do will change them anyways.
but mostly its because they just dont know. and ignorance is bliss sometimes.

nothing to get really worked up about unless its your job. lifes too short.
and it could be even shorter when 5 bucketheads shank you for trying to tough-guy them into conforming to your way.

glad to see a lot of people debunking the whole race card too because its complete garbage.
go to nova scotia youll see a different group then here. its all relative.

anyways my 2 cents before this is closed(hopefully) :)
well said. Sometimes you won't like what you see when fishing but approaching strangers in a friendly manner is wiser than "dropping the gloves" right away.

I had my share of squabbles w/ white bucket myself....and I'm also "oriental"....I don't mind them taking home palm size pumpkinseed but throwing empty water bottle in the water after you finish drinking is a no no for me. And yeah I made him wade and throw it in the garbage 12 feet from our spot. I got mad just because you don't need to know the law to know that was wrong.

And for the OP...
it doesn't matter race/gender/language, law breakers come in all walks of life, i've met some Asian folks who very good fisherman and more respectful than some of the so called locals. All you have to do is take a walk down the trench during the salmon run to see this.

Limits for panfish are very high, so unless they are catching walleye or bass out of season, there is nothing they are doing wrong fishing wise
If this thread shows anything it's that there's more good than bad in the world. I'm glad to be a part of this community, it seems that a large majority are in the right frame of mind and keep a positive outlook on life.
Could solve a few of the non licensed fishermen problem by requiring you to flash a valid fishing license when you buy bait, tackle and rods/reels. It seems a little extreme but im assuming most guys carry their licenses in their wallet all the time. I never take mine out. Yeah it would be annoying if you forgot it at home when you went shopping but im sure it would make a few more people buy one. i realize they would be countless ways around it but hey people are lazy. A little work and they might give up.
Braedon thats a great idea. You have to show your firearms license when buying a gun?
I mean its different when you buy a guy but...
I vouche that idea 100%
Braedon said:
Could solve a few of the non licensed fishermen problem by requiring you to flash a valid fishing license when you buy bait, tackle and rods/reels. It seems a little extreme but im assuming most guys carry their licenses in their wallet all the time. I never take mine out. Yeah it would be annoying if you forgot it at home when you went shopping but im sure it would make a few more people buy one. i realize they would be countless ways around it but hey people are lazy. A little work and they might give up.
and if my father wants to buy me a rod, he needs to get a license? thats stupid.
slicebranford said:
Fishing season is just starting down here at Jordan harbour and already im seeing mass waves of orientals. (not trying to be racist) But when i go fishing at my local spots i will see groups of 10+ oriental type people with charcoal BBQ's (which they dump in the water after) cases of beer( that they also toss in the water) and large amounts of garbage ( bags, worm container, food wrapping). Not only do they litter, but they also take every fish they catch. I've heard and have had cases where they catch a catfish or bass and its only 2 inches long and they keep it, or they ask if me and my friends if we catch and release, when we say yes they ask us to put what we catch in the bucket. 95% of them probably don't even have a fishing license. I'm tired of seeing my local spots taken over, over fished then covered in garbage. where is fish and game? or whoever deals with these problems?
This is a topic that rears its ugly head every once in a while... I think that everyone here agrees that litter and irresponsible fishing practices are problems that need to be addressed. However, race is 100% irrelevant.

Everyone has now had a chance to have their say, and I'm very proud to see that the overwhelming majority of OFF members are wise enough to reject racial stereotyping.

Litter, poaching, irresponsible angling practices and abuse of our resources are all very important issues that should be addressed. In the future, feel free to talk about these issues, but please, let's leave race out of it.


OFF Staff
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