Public Meetings for the Greater Toronto and Area Waterfront: An Urban Recreational Fisheries Plan

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Sep 24, 2013
Someone just sent this to me and I thought others might want to know about it as it has not been publicized well, and may affect or impact many.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and four Conservation Authorities – Toronto and Region, Credit Valley, Central Lake Ontario, and Ganaraska Region have initiated the preparation of an Urban Recreational Fisheries Plan for the Greater Toronto and Area. Other partners in the process are the municipalities, federal and provincial agencies and the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. The Urban Recreational Fisheries Plan effectively covers the north shore of Lake Ontario from the western border of the City of Mississauga extending to the eastern border of Durham Region.

The plan will integrate information on the state of the fisheries and their habitat with existing plans and strategies to create a document to guide the partners and other interested parties in improving urban recreational fishing opportunities. The plan will look at improving access to shoreline fishing, taking a systematic approach to improving fish habitat, and promote the diverse fishing opportunities available along the waterfront. The fall meetings will present a draft of the plan to the public and it is important to get as many anglers and interested citizens as possible to the meetings to demonstrate that urban fishing is a vital interest to the fishing community. Public feedback will be incorporated into the plan, which is scheduled to be completed spring of 2014.

Five public meetings have been scheduled around the Greater Toronto Area in October and November. The meetings will be similar but local issues will be discussed.

Public Meeting schedule:

Thursday October 17, 2013
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Office
100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3T3
Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Tuesday October 22, 2013
Ajax Town Hall, Council Chambers
65 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H9
Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Thursday October 24, 2013
Pickering City Hall, Council Chambers
One the Esplanade South, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7
Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Tuesday October 29, 2013
Metro Hall, Room 308 and 309
55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6
Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Tuesday November 5, 2013
Clarke Memorial Hall
161 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1G3
Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

The meetings are open to all members of public so please forward this email to anyone who would be interested in learning more about the Urban Recreational Fisheries Plan. For more information on the plan please visit our website

For more information, please contact:

Rick Portiss
Manager of Restoration and Environmental Monitoring Projects
Restoration Services Division
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
5 Shoreham Drive
Downsview, ON M3N 1S4
Tel: 416-661-6600 ext 5302
E-mail: [email protected]

See you at the public meetings