Rice Lake

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Oct 5, 2013
Was thinking of heading out to Rice this weekend. Has anyone fished lately, how has the bite been? Looking for some Bronze.
To be honest, never heard of a fish reference as a bronze. As for the bite, Rice Lake has always been a pressured lake so you really have to know where to find them.
Went to rice on tues of last week and I came out with more lost bait than bites.

Was experimenting with a couple spots but I guess those were the high pressure areas so I tried going to unusual spots to see if there's any activity but nothing.

Last time I was on this lake (4 years ago) I caught a Muskie west side of the lake, if I'm not mistaken it was south west of long island.
alwayscatching said:
To be honest, never heard of a fish reference as a bronze. As for the bite, Rice Lake has always been a pressured lake so you really have to know where to find them.
Bronze back is a term used for smallmouth ;)
I was out last week Monday. Me and my buddy. We landed 9 LMB prolly lost about another 4 ot 5. week prior we landed about 13 LMB. I havent been able to go for smallmouth. Only have use of a paddleboat so it limits our location abilities!
Kleiner said:
Bronze back is a term used for smallmouth ;)
For someone who fishes a lot of smallmouth, you'd think I would have heard every term for my bass! aha. Whelp! The fishing on Rice is always good. Drop shots, Tubes, Spinnerbaits, senkos. All of the above work! It is all about having a good trolling motor, depth finder and some patience aha.
For someone who fishes a lot of smallmouth, you'd think I would have heard every term for my bass! aha. Whelp! The fishing on Rice is always good. Drop shots, Tubes, Spinnerbaits, senkos. All of the above work! It is all about having a good trolling motor, depth finder and some patience aha."

You and I Both! Think it's more Popular South Of The Border.

Picture from the www is called a Tennessee Bronzeback.

Something like what I always knew to be "Pickerel" (Yellow) got renamed a "Walleye". Hate That name! :mad: :mad:

There's also a Bronzeback Snake. They Like To eat Things. :razz: :razz:

EDIT: How do they manage to screw up your Post???
One smallmouth boated by my fishing buddy. Only fish of the day. Slow day on the water is better than no no day on the water.
alwayscatching said:
For someone who fishes a lot of smallmouth, you'd think I would have heard every term for my bass! aha. Whelp! The fishing on Rice is always good. Drop shots, Tubes, Spinnerbaits, senkos. All of the above work! It is all about having a good trolling motor, depth finder and some patience aha.
Doesnt G.Loomis sell a bass rod series called "Bronzeback" ?
Braedon said:
Doesnt G.Loomis sell a bass rod series called "Bronzeback" ?
Yea you know what, I should have put 2 and 2 together. I have held the rod myself and looked at it aha. I figured it had something to do with the color of the rod aha. Clearly the specs on most of them are for smallmouth/walleye.
alwayscatching said:
What a champion! FishHawk has that knowledge! Thanks bud.
What a nice thing to say! Thank you Kind Sir!!

Actually I didn't have it at my Fingertips. I did a "BING Search" (Starting to like them better than GOOGLE) for the Info.

I enjoy doing that though. You LEARN something new and I add it to "My Documents" In "Fish Species". I saw the G. Loomis Rods also while I was Snooping Around

I did one on "GAR FISH" (NOT A Pike.) HOLY COW!! Dozens of Varieties! From the Long Nose Gar you can catch in the Ottawa and St. Lawrence River (Picture IS From Ottawa River), on up to the ALLIGATOR GAR caught "Down South". 300+ POUNDS!!

It's a long Story but the one in the Pic was Nailed by that BOW Hunter thinking he had hit a SMALL ONE. 2 or 3 Hours Later after it dragged him into the water etc etc He got out, dragged the GAR in and a Friend Shot Him (The GAR).

The other GAR just happened to jump into those guys Boat....LOL.. All 327 Lbs. Of Him.

The "Blue Pic"(long Nose Gar) is part of a Larger Page. It's a "Fish Biology" Site that I Use for ACCURATE INFO. Every Fish I've ever heard of is on there.

I've ENJOYED doing this also!
FishHawk said:
For someone who fishes a lot of smallmouth, you'd think I would have heard every term for my bass! aha. Whelp! The fishing on Rice is always good. Drop shots, Tubes, Spinnerbaits, senkos. All of the above work! It is all about having a good trolling motor, depth finder and some patience aha."

You and I Both! Think it's more Popular South Of The Border.

Picture from the www is called a Tennessee Bronzeback.

Something like what I always knew to be "Pickerel" (Yellow) got renamed a "Walleye". Hate That name! :mad: :mad:

There's also a Bronzeback Snake. They Like To eat Things. :razz: :razz:

EDIT: How do they manage to screw up your Post???
Walleye is the fish's real name. A true pickerel is a type of pike. It is not something that has come from the States
fishsmith said:
Walleye is the fish's real name. A true pickerel is a type of pike. It is not something that has come from the States
Pardon me for saying so BUT I don't believe Your Statement is Accurate. (Walleye & Pickerel)

IF you'd care to State OR Post the RELIABLE SOURCE of your Information (Not just something you've been told or brought to believe by someone else) I'd be Pleased to Review It and Consider Correcting/Changing My Statement Regarding "Walleye" & "Pickerel".

"It is not something that has come from the States" Which one? We were Primarily talking about "Bronzebacks". The statement I made was: " You and I Both! Think it's more Popular South Of The Border." Notice the word "THINK" as I'm not sure So I'll give you that one. :razz:

I try NOT to Post ANY Kind of "Wrongful Information" on here. Primarily for the Benefit of the Other Members. I Believe such is the case here.

In this case it came from two sources, as mentioned above. ..."It's a "Fish Biology" Site that I Use for ACCURATE INFO. Every Fish I've ever heard of is on there." If it came from the www I WILL Confirm that Information PRIOR To Posting It.

Thank You "fishsmith" I await Your Reply.

With All Due Respect: FishHawk

EDIT: Now that I've stopped running around the Site and can THINK Better, a few other things came to mind that might help clear this up.

Further to Pickerel (Yellow) It's actually the Largest Member of the PERCH Family. There is also a HYBRID known as a "Saugeye" (Walleye?). It "Crossed with a "Sauger" (if these Fish would stop doing all this Co-Habitation, it would be a lot easier to figure out Who's Who!!) :razz: :razz:

There is also a "Grass Pickerel" that LOOKS more Like a Pike. I believe it's a Subspecies of the "Redfin Pickerel" and a Small Member of The Pike Family.

Now I have to go find out what a "Sauger" is and who his/her Mom & Dad Might have been :???: :neutral:
Don't bother with the reply. From what I've seen Nobody reads this "Factual" Stuff anyway.

If they do they don't even have the Common Courtesy to Hit The "Green Up Arrow". Why they just didn't put a "Thumbs Up, Like" as Most Other Sites do, instead of that thing, is beyond my Understanding.

Waste of time even Posting this Totally Accurate Information. No More!!

It's OFF My Watch List.