Roe Boycott

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Was keeping quiet but wanna chime in now. Tossing I really could care less on your opinion as your an idiot, everyone has theyre own ethics. You ask the guy to back up up his comments so he does and you call him an idiot. Just because someone doesn't support your beliefs doesn't deem this. youre the same guy that doesn't believe in fluorocarbon, uses 6lb main for salmon and tires fresh steel to death. you claim floatfisherman use heavy yellow braid along with many other laughable comments and stands you take. a conversation only goes one way with you , youre way, you don't consider other point of views.
I also have 40yrs on the river but I don't claim to be a know it all, I am always learning if others want to do differently then me, go ahead. I contribute to stream rehabilition with craa and Ontario steelheaders and I use roe when needed, any half decent steelheader knows this. Moron
Jesus boys. Let's cool it down with all the name calling. We're all friends here, we all enjoy catching fish as much as the next guy. Let's be gentlemen about it.

As far as using roe goes I say go right ahead. I use it when times are tough and beads or flies just aren't producing.

That said, I find it quite repulsive to pluck a salmon out of the river rip the eggs out of it and leave the carcass to sit and rot. If you're gonna harvest just for the eggs at least bring the fish home for your dog. There's rules set in place about wasting edible meat so I'm pretty set on following them.

Would I eat a dirty old boot out of the river? God no. But would I gut it take the eggs and leave the fish with the rest in a pile like we've all prob seen at places like the ganny? No way. That's part of the reason the good people of Port hope are sick of the crowds showing up and raping their river.
finnigan said:
Jesus boys. Let's cool it down with all the name calling. We're all friends here, we all enjoy catching fish as much as the next guy. Let's be gentlemen about it.

As far as using roe goes I say go right ahead. I use it when times are tough and beads or flies just aren't producing.

That said, I find it quite repulsive to pluck a salmon out of the river rip the eggs out of it and leave the carcass to sit and rot. If you're gonna harvest just for the eggs at least bring the fish home for your dog. There's rules set in place about wasting edible meat so I'm pretty set on following them.

Would I eat a dirty old boot out of the river? God no. But would I gut it take the eggs and leave the fish with the rest in a pile like we've all prob seen at places like the ganny? No way. That's part of the reason the good people of Port hope are sick of the crowds showing up and raping their river.
exactly, feed the dog fertilize the garden, make a smoothie, use the dam fish for something
The purpose of the 10' plus original noodle rods was to enable the use of 6lb less visible line.
The rod takes all the force and pressure not the line.
Line has nothing to do with the speed of landing steel.
But you already know this Trout tamer?
I'm a big believer that we should be releasing all wild fish, keep stockers for your roe and freezer. I also think it's bs that there are times only roe will catch... any decent steelheader would know that. :cool:​
Lol...this thread has escalated I have said before. Any "steelheader" would know how much roe to keep. Some can boycott roe to their own volition but calling out someone for using roe is like calling out someone for driving a diesel vehicle or using plastic bags instead of grocery bags. I have a small ziploc bag of roe left on the freezer and the only thing stopping me from using it is that flies & beads have been working so far and I'm too lazy to bag them...come opener...they will be done.
Who is this Mr. Boycott, and why do some people want to ban him?

Roe, if you're reading this, maybe explain yourself.

Guess I shouldn't assume Mr., as Roe could be a woman's name too.

Seriously though, whether Roe is Boy Caught, or Store Bought, as long as it's legal as per current regs, you're good. If you feel strongly that it shouldn't be used as bait, there are plenty of places in Canada that have implemented such a ban, so you're not alone and it could very well happen in Ontario, and sooner than people think.

In the meantime, our planet will continue spinning, tilting, and rotating around the sun (which is also spinning and rotating, as is our entire solar system and let's not forget the galaxy itself is not stationary). If the heat of 100 billion stars doesn't melt away your anger over roe use, then you just might be a fly fisherman! Zing!

My two cents: Not a fan of how some commercial fish farms are operated, which store bought roe is usually sourced from. If an angler wishes to use wild caught roe without culling a steelhead for eggs, other species eggs work well, such as sucker eggs. It is true that there are many options, and an outlawing of roe would have little to no effect on overall catch rates (holding fish populations constant), heck they might even increase, as anglers who rely heavily on roe would learn to be more versatile.

There is a lobby for everything, so it's a matter of who has the stronger lobby in Ontario, the pro-roe or the anti-roe.
He never left...and has he really stopped anybody from fishing?