Salmon fishing when then are spawning

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Mykester said:
Pedro said:
By the way I think that the mnr has the open sections open because it can handle fish being taken off of redds or harvested.........

If they decide which parts to open by seeing how many fish return each year, then probably. If they calculate the amount they think will be harvested by x amount of anglers then probably not. Also, there is that fact that harvesting results in 1 or 2 fish being taken (most of the time), nest destruction is ~5,000 potential fish.

lol I think I read at Earl Rowe Provincial Park that when a female bow spawns only one or two of the hatched fish reach adult size. Shocking!
stop picking on pedro aslong as his not snagging the fish there is nothing wrong on whats his doing and his not breaking the rules
rcflores said:
stop picking on pedro aslong as his not snagging the fish there is nothing wrong on whats his doing and his not breaking the rules
:) I haven't been picked on since I was a chubby little kid lol
Pedro said:
I don't know if you know this, but I don't really feel too good pulling fish off redds , but I do a few drifts on them to avoid a skunk. I also got a bit pumped after reading kestral's post so I may have said too much. The feeling of pulling one out of deep water is much better than sightfishing for vulnerable fish IMO.

If you don't like pulling fish off redds...DON'T...Simple as that.

Leave your ego out of the equation when you decide to fish. Fishing is fishing and catching is catching…Sometimes you don’t catch when you go fishing – That’s a universal truth. If all you’re thinking of when lining fish in shin deep water (or pulling fish off redds), is the report and hero shot you’re going to post on OFF, maybe you’re in the wrong hobby. Personally I’d rather hear about your day of skunking and what you tried rather than view pictures of half-dead chinnies that you pulled off a redd - The journey is far more interesting than the destination. You’re only fooling yourself if you think your actions impress people.

Pedro said:
By the way I think that the mnr has the open sections open because it can handle fish being taken off of redds or harvested.........

In my time, I have witnessed the steelhead run of the Ganaraska drop from 18,000+ fish in the late 80’s to around 4000 fish (give or take 500) on average this past decade – Almost all of those 18,000 fish were wild with very few stockers in the mix. Greatest contributor to the decline was over exploitation in the form of catch and keep angling…Regulations FAILED to protect prime spawners from:

a. Legally harvesting vast amounts of fish in year round open spots – outrageous catch limits were in place WHICH WERE SET BY THE MNR (And in place until only 2yrs ago)


b. Cold springs where people pulled spawning fish off their redds after the opener (when most fish should have been done spawning but weren’t)

Wilmot creek’s population of wild steelhead crashed a few years later from the legal over harvest of fish due to high catch limits. The MNR got it wrong and we’re paying the consequences for it today. If other environmental factors were responsible for the decline in both rivers, both populations in Wilmot creek and the Ganaraska river would have crashed simultaneously - They didn't. Main point is that the MNR is not always right in what they recommend we do.

Pedro said:
lol I think I read at Earl Rowe Provincial Park that when a female bow spawns only one or two of the hatched fish reach adult size. Shocking!

All the more reason why you should leave spawning individuals to do their thing. Every spawning fish matters!

In summery, why are people pissed that you have to resort to fishing redds? Because there are a few board members on here (L2P, Efka, FrozenFire and myself as examples) who are passionate about the wild steelhead fishery we have in Ontario. Our steelhead are notorious for their strength compared to say, the stockers that run up Pennsylvania tribs. With greater returns of wild fish, we are able to decrease the stocking in various rivers - Your license fees go further that way. You are too young to have experienced the fishing we had in the late 80's and early 90's and we lost it because the MNR screwed up with the numbers on their end. You have absolutely no idea how difficult it is to change catch limits to protect our wild fish - Hence why important regulations fail to get implemented.
kestrel u've made your point long ago, pedro dosnt wonna lisen and he will continue fishing hes way. There is no more need to fight over this anymore. We all have different style of fishing. I personally prefer catch and release, and have gotten skunked to many times to even count. But thats why i love it, cus u cant catch them all the time especially steelhead tricky little buggers :) I sometimes keep an odd fish cus my parents love fish and even then i'll only keep a stocker never a wild fish.
Kestrel said:
Pedro said:
I don't know if you know this, but I don't really feel too good pulling fish off redds , but I do a few drifts on them to avoid a skunk. I also got a bit pumped after reading kestral's post so I may have said too much. The feeling of pulling one out of deep water is much better than sightfishing for vulnerable fish IMO.

If you don't like pulling fish off redds...DON'T...Simple as that.

Leave your ego out of the equation when you decide to fish. Fishing is fishing and catching is catching…Sometimes you don’t catch when you go fishing – That’s a universal truth. If all you’re thinking of when lining fish in shin deep water (or pulling fish off redds), is the report and hero shot you’re going to post on OFF, maybe you’re in the wrong hobby. Personally I’d rather hear about your day of skunking and what you tried rather than view pictures of half-dead chinnies that you pulled off a redd - The journey is far more interesting than the destination. You’re only fooling yourself if you think your actions impress people.

Pedro said:
By the way I think that the mnr has the open sections open because it can handle fish being taken off of redds or harvested.........

In my time, I have witnessed the steelhead run of the Ganaraska drop from 18,000+ fish in the late 80’s to around 4000 fish (give or take 500) on average this past decade – Almost all of those 18,000 fish were wild with very few stockers in the mix. Greatest contributor to the decline was over exploitation in the form of catch and keep angling…Regulations FAILED to protect prime spawners from:

a. Legally harvesting vast amounts of fish in year round open spots – outrageous catch limits were in place WHICH WERE SET BY THE MNR (And in place until only 2yrs ago)


b. Cold springs where people pulled spawning fish off their redds after the opener (when most fish should have been done spawning but weren’t)

Wilmot creek’s population of wild steelhead crashed a few years later from the legal over harvest of fish due to high catch limits. The MNR got it wrong and we’re paying the consequences for it today. If other environmental factors were responsible for the decline in both rivers, both populations in Wilmot creek and the Ganaraska river would have crashed simultaneously - They didn't. Main point is that the MNR is not always right in what they recommend we do.

Pedro said:
lol I think I read at Earl Rowe Provincial Park that when a female bow spawns only one or two of the hatched fish reach adult size. Shocking!

All the more reason why you should leave spawning individuals to do their thing. Every spawning fish matters!

In summery, why are people pissed that you have to resort to fishing redds? Because there are a few board members on here (L2P, Efka, FrozenFire and myself as examples) who are passionate about the wild steelhead fishery we have in Ontario. Our steelhead are notorious for their strength compared to say, the stockers that run up Pennsylvania tribs. With greater returns of wild fish, we are able to decrease the stocking in various rivers - Your license fees go further that way. You are too young to have experienced the fishing we had in the late 80's and early 90's and we lost it because the MNR screwed up with the numbers on their end. You have absolutely no idea how difficult it is to change catch limits to protect our wild fish - Hence why important regulations fail to get implemented.

hey! I gotta get some sleep. Plus I have nothing to say to that. I'll have to work on myself. 20 years from now and the way I fish will be different! Especially with you guys grabbing my tail.
wow this is better than futurama.

You guys all expressed your feeling and to tell you the truth this is my second year of river fishing. I havent really had help on this website except for when the salmon came into the credit and humber and the float setup. All the other stuff was I learned by spectating, understanding the conditions and looking for potential spots(you never know if you dont try). Ive gone fishing with Pedro a few times and yeah theres a few things that needs tweaking. The Humber River for salmon are easy picking because by the time they past the old mill bridge they are tired and dont have enough strength to survive(50/50) after they have been landed. As well ive been fishing with Pedro a couple of times and yes he does need a few tweaking but then again nobody is perfect.

They way I see it you guys are just attacking him when he apparantly has no guidance or anyone to teach him all these ethics. He's just a kid going solo and the only difference is I had a friend who had more X amount of years river fishing and he passed on his basic knowledge of ethics,respect,manner for river fishing and the anglers. Other than that I took that knowledge and surpassed him with other things ive picked up on my own.

The point is he is just learning. Also what ive notice is when you guys attack him he says outrageous responses as a defence mechanism. Im pretty sure(hoping) that he is playing you.
t0ca said:
wow this is better than futurama.

You guys all expressed your feeling and to tell you the truth this is my second year of river fishing. I havent really had help on this website except for when the salmon came into the credit and humber and the float setup. All the other stuff was I learned by spectating, understanding the conditions and looking for potential spots(you never know if you dont try). Ive gone fishing with Pedro a few times and yeah theres a few things that needs tweaking. The Humber River for salmon are easy picking because by the time they past the old mill bridge they are tired and dont have enough strength to survive(50/50) after they have been landed. As well ive been fishing with Pedro a couple of times and yes he does need a few tweaking but then again nobody is perfect.

They way I see it you guys are just attacking him when he apparantly has no guidance or anyone to teach him all these ethics. He's just a kid going solo and the only difference is I had a friend who had more X amount of years river fishing and he passed on his basic knowledge of ethics,respect,manner for river fishing and the anglers. Other than that I took that knowledge and surpassed him with other things ive picked up on my own.

The point is he is just learning. Also what ive notice is when you guys attack him he says outrageous responses as a defence mechanism. Im pretty sure(hoping) that he is playing you.

lol have u seen the episode of futurama were that krab guy had to go to his planet for mating? hahahha I loved that one! Anyways back on topic: :)

I'm done being nice to these punk bastards. they better pick on someone at their own "level" plus that guy bill shearer is a puff tart. he banned me right after giving a warning. arrrrr :D
oh okay..... do you think he is going to do it again after that comment?
Also The Water Level At The Humber Is Super Low.

I Couldnt Take Of A Picture Of This Salmon But I Think It Was An Atlantic

And There Was A Super Midget Salmon That Looked Pretty Fresh
Pedro said:
hey! I gotta get some sleep. Plus I have nothing to say to that. I'll have to work on myself. 20 years from now and the way I fish will be different! Especially with you guys grabbing my tail.

Why wait 20yrs?…Why not change now all by yourself? As L2P mentioned, you’ll be classified as an 'adult' very soon. You can be criminally charged under the ‘adult’ court of law when you screw up, you will be allowed privileges not granted to people of younger ages once you hit 18 or 19. Age for you at this point, really has little bearing on how you should behave in public (or public forums for that matter) – You should be already thinking like an adult (as scary as it may seem).

t0ca said:
wow this is better than futurama.

You guys all expressed your feeling and to tell you the truth this is my second year of river fishing. I havent really had help on this website except for when the salmon came into the credit and humber and the float setup. All the other stuff was I learned by spectating, understanding the conditions and looking for potential spots(you never know if you dont try). Ive gone fishing with Pedro a few times and yeah theres a few things that needs tweaking. The Humber River for salmon are easy picking because by the time they past the old mill bridge they are tired and dont have enough strength to survive(50/50) after they have been landed. As well ive been fishing with Pedro a couple of times and yes he does need a few tweaking but then again nobody is perfect.

They way I see it you guys are just attacking him when he apparantly has no guidance or anyone to teach him all these ethics. He's just a kid going solo and the only difference is I had a friend who had more X amount of years river fishing and he passed on his basic knowledge of ethics,respect,manner for river fishing and the anglers. Other than that I took that knowledge and surpassed him with other things ive picked up on my own.

The point is he is just learning. Also what ive notice is when you guys attack him he says outrageous responses as a defence mechanism. Im pretty sure(hoping) that he is playing you.

And that’s great that he is someone passionate about fishing. I would hope that he would be a little more receptive towards actually learning stuff from more experienced anglers when advice is given. TBH, I still don’t know what it is with his strange fascination of pulling fish off redds even after numerous reasons were given to him why not to – And I’m sure others don’t either.

IMO, a great angler (regardless of age) is someone who can admit (or knows) that he doesn’t know as much as he thinks he knows. And then works from there to continuously improve his (or her) knowledge/skills and understanding of the fish, the river (as well as learning to respect it) and think about environmental impacts he makes when fishing. So far I have yet to see anything like that from him or read any deep thoughts on the matter from him. And as I said previously, maybe his know-it-all attitude is hindering him from becoming a better, more ethical angler who fully knows the environment in which he fishes and makes informed decisions based on that (i.e. whether to keep a prime trophy spawning brown trout for the table VS a small stocker rainbow or stocked brown (or 2) for dinner). I don’t rate the numbers of fish someone lands as defining a good anglers – But then again, that’s just me.
Fair enough

But like I said he doesnt have any true guidance. For the brown trout well its understandable. It was his trophy fish.

Going back to my couple of years of fishing a buddy of mine would not let me keep anything thats under 2 pounds and over four pounds. Didnt understand him until he explained to me why. It made sense.

Anyways regardless of his writing and blah blah blah its hard to tell whats going on in his mind.

But hey after all this commotion is over hopefully everyone turns a over new leaf.
No respect for the resources = no respect from other anglers you run into.

Everyone on here is trying to tell/teach you something... No one is bullying or attacking you.
You just won't let anything go through that thick skull of yours.
Your know-it-all attitude will not get you far when it comes to fishing... or anything else.
float^drifter said:
kestrel u've made your point long ago, pedro dosnt wonna lisen and he will continue fishing hes way. There is no more need to fight over this anymore. We all have different style of fishing. I personally prefer catch and release, and have gotten skunked to many times to even count. But thats why i love it, cus u cant catch them all the time especially steelhead tricky little buggers :) I sometimes keep an odd fish cus my parents love fish and even then i'll only keep a stocker never a wild fish.

You’re right that I said the majority of my points long ago. However I will continue to support my arguments if I have to, to protect the resources I love most. In essence, his ‘style’ of fishing (more like a cheap tactic) ruins the future of fishing for just about every other angler using the resource. IMO, it’s selfish when you take into account:

a. Other anglers who enjoy fishing
b. The volunteers who work on stream rehab projects for the betterment of our fisheries and the environment (through various organizations like CRAA, MEA, Nottawasaga Steelheaders, etc). They do it to support a sustainable fishery so that others may enjoy it in the future. 'Enjoy' does not mean to allow anglers to further rape and pillage the resource.
c. The vulnerable state of our wild fisheries when you take into account habitat loss from water diversion projects (as seen in most of the smaller Lake O tributaries such as Bronte), pollution, climate change, poorly managed catch limits, etc.

Damn right I’m pissed to see people pulling valuable fish off their spawning beds - especially ones that support wild fish for the future.

So no, it’s not just a fishing method choice that I disagree with Pedro on. I could care less if he goes in pursuit of fish using flies, bait or lures. I disagree with his point of view on ethics - which from what I can tell – he values very little. Pulling fish off redds in shin deep water isn’t a style…It’s a cheap tactic snaggers and poachers use to get meat, period.
frozenfire said:
No respect for the resources = no respect from other anglers you run into.

Everyone on here is trying to tell/teach you something... No one is bullying or attacking you.
You just won't let anything go through that thick skull of yours.
Your know-it-all attitude will not get you far when it comes to fishing... or anything else.
Bill Shearer has forgotten more about steelheading than Pedro will ever know. As a moderator Bill showed his great instincts by banning Pedro. Reading Pedro's posts are better than picking up the comics.
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