Reddit... anyone?usernamehere said:seems like meme are picking up on this forum
Reddit... anyone?usernamehere said:seems like meme are picking up on this forum
facking classic pic and movie!!!!Pause...Jerk said:
I've snagged a Bass before... accidentally but I've had situations where I could clearly see a bass just sitting there... And it could have easily been snagged.Pause...Jerk said:Snag... yes. Floss... no.![]()
I love when I see a bass sitting nearby in the water. It's the best time to bust out the flipping jig and toss it right in front of it's faceGiuga10 said:I've snagged a Bass before... accidentally but I've had situations where I could clearly see a bass just sitting there... And it could have easily been snagged.
Haha that's exactly what I do. Flipping and pitching are my favorite Bassing techniques.CJR said:I love when I see a bass sitting nearby in the water. It's the best time to bust out the flipping jig and toss it right in front of it's face![]()
u know whats ironic u say that any one can catch a bass with a 20$ pole and guys spend thousands on equipment for salmon yet ur arguing over keeping the spots hidden what are u afraid of one of those guys with a 20 $ rod catching a salmon. let them get spooled. and as far as bass not being fun to catch I think that's more personal preference not everyone is looking at a catch to meat ratio all the time sometimes it is about the journey and lb for lb a bass is one of the strongest fish out thereiJay said:top that off, anyone with a $20 rod and line can catch a bass.
Salmon are challenging to get into even harder to land. information on them should be kept closer to people than most other species since they run once a year and in specific tribs. Not to mention there are alot of members on here who have spent $1000's on gear to catch these fish to have some "internet user" diclose locations and information that encouraces more and more people to come out and infringe on what little time (about 4 weeks a year). Some of us work and cannot fish all the time. The time we do get out Id rather spend it in fish, not fighting the white bucket brigade.
Love it man,it's extremely smooth and the 20lbs of drag is awesome. I think I may like it even more than my currado :mrgreen:remyboy said:hows the revo treating you?
nice reel eh?
You say that now. Come the spring and you have fly rod in hand you will be skulking up and down rivers and streams with the rest of usMr. Bassturd said:P.S u leave the bass alone i'll leave the picky a$$ trout alone![]()
Salmon isn't the hardest fish to catch, you don't need all thoseiJay said:guys with $20 rods are a newsance at the rivers edge. especially with 20lbs line as they cross mine. If they catch the fish, hey more power to them! I have no issue with that man. Its about what I have invested into the excursion.
Bass- rod reel line hooks worms/grubs and beer.
Salmon - rod reel hooks roe, yarn, flies, swivels, floats weights, vest, wadders, glasses ect.
Bass, go to a storm drain like that guy in oakville.
Again it wasnt a personal stab at anyone but its frsutrating to see like 10 threads on the same thing.
i respectfully disagree. fishing for salmon in a river is a lot different then fishing at a marina.fishing89 said:You can catch salmon on marshmallows, 20lb mono and ****** $30 rods.
Just come to bluffers park and see for yourself. Salmon is not HARD to catch at all. Steelhead and trout on the other hand....those require skill
Barbie rod decimates all.fishernick said:i respectfully disagree. fishing for salmon in a river is a lot different then fishing at a marina.
try using something more appropriate, like a 10lb mono in a river with fallen trees, rocky rapids, constant s-bends, deep pools and immoveable objects. i bet you have more line breaks and lost fish then fish landed.
also, if you know how to fish a particular species than it isn't hard once you have figured out your patterns. but the first step to being successful is knowing your gear and how it works, when and how to use it.