Salmon in the rivers yet.

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CJR said:
Lol ok Barney. Urr CJR. Urrr salmon snagger.
Hahahaha. Lets go snag us a river this weekend. Bring that fellow urrrrrr Dozer out as well.
See, this is why I am hesitant to go salmon fishing. Too much drama. Imagine what will happen when I catch the biggest salmonoid of them all. ;)


Aannnnnddd thats now its done.
iJay said:
I heard they all are waiting on santa and his reindeers so they can pull his sliegh to all the good boys and girls.

This thread should be deleted along with the other ones.

Sorry to be a douche, but get your a$$ off the couch and go and check the rivers. If gas is too much to be wasting, how the hell u gonna afford good gear? SHUT UP with this crap already!
No matter what the question was, there's no need for verbal abuse!!!
iJay said:
Bass if you ask me are garbage, they arent hard to catch, can be found in most still waters. Not much of a fight. 18lbs line to catch a 2-7lbs fish. Right where is the challenge? Go to a lake, look for lilly pads, branches in the water a bit of shade and BAM there is Bass. They can populate a lake in no time they are not illusive, they are not spooked very easily. If this hurts your feelings. Call Dr.Phil.
lmao Thats about a ignant as it gets. You should fish bass tournaments with all that valuable knowledge you have. Guiga, as for your question; since these fish are migrating it would make the most sense to fish areas closer to the mouth after a good rain, as the water levels drop you can either fish higher up in a system for fish that have already migrated from the previous run, or you can fish at the piers for staging fish that will be running after the next rise in water levels. Of course this is a general rule and can be vary slightly depending on the time of year. The fish that are running now are headed as far upstream to cooler water as possible and wont hold in the lower sections as much as they will be come autumn when we get cooler, more favourable water temps. Best thing you can do is keep fishing your home waters, get to know them intimately, keep a close eye on the weather and river conditions and it will all come together for you. These fish are no where near as ILLUSIVE or difficult to catch as some believe they are, with practice you'll get the hang of it. And there's nothing wrong with asking for help, don't let others discourage you.

Goodluck buddy
despotiko said:
lmao Thats about a ignant as it gets. You should fish bass tournaments with all that valuable knowledge you have. Guiga, as for your question; since these fish are migrating it would make the most sense to fish areas closer to the mouth after a good rain, as the water levels drop you can either fish higher up in a system for fish that have already migrated from the previous run, or you can fish at the piers for staging fish that will be running after the next rise in water levels. Of course this is a general rule and can be vary slightly depending on the time of year. The fish that are running now are headed as far upstream to cooler water as possible and wont hold in the lower sections as much as they will be come autumn when we get cooler, more favourable water temps. Best thing you can do is keep fishing your home waters, get to know them intimately, keep a close eye on the weather and river conditions and it will all come together for you. These fish are no where near as ILLUSIVE or difficult to catch as some believe they are, with practice you'll get the hang of it. And there's nothing wrong with asking for help, don't let others discourage you.

Goodluck buddy
thank you very good post and just gos to show u that it is possible to answer a question without giving to much info or being rude about it