Salmon Run 2017??

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
Hey guys it's that time a year again. I was wondering if anybody had heard any reports of any salmon close to shore? I went out from the boat couple weeks ago hooked one lost one. We were in 80 to 100 ft we left out of a local Pier. Was wondering if anybody out east seeing anything better like more fish in closer in??? Been hearing messed up reports of some dark fish already popping up.
Yea have couple friends who live close to some of the eastern tribs and have seen some fish come out already..... weird Maybe next week I'll go try it out or in two weeks.
I will be heading to the Oakville area this evening to scratch my itch. I have a few buddys who have already pulled a few out from piers on huron and have caught several in the oakville area at 30 foot depth. I will let you know how it goes whether I catch fish or a buzz. Cheers!!!
This is a "fishing" forum. We should be able to talk about "fishing". Yes , a lot of "guests" have visited, but do you not think the better solution would be to limit the info as to what a guest can access so that we can actually talk fishing on a fishing forum? or eliminate guest all together? I was very vague. There are 10 creeks/rivers flowing out of Oakville. These places are no secret. just ask the 300 fisherman that line the piers and riverbanks each night during the runs. Cheers!!
I don't usually rely on anyone to tell me when the Salmon are running or at the mouths. Water temps , levels and time of the year play a big role on the migration. The run doesn't happen all at once, it's all about timing and scouting. Sharing info about runs and locations publicly is only going to make your experience on a pier or river more miserable , unless you like the shoulder to shoulder thing.
the fish canceled the run this year.... maybe next year they will return....
long story short, im only limited to 1 marina(fifty point) that's 15 min away from my house because i only have my G1 and my parents areant usually willing to drop me off somewhere and hour a way,and this marina i fish at does get a run but usually we only start getting them on j13 around the 2nd week of october and i go out atleast five times during september at the end of the rock pier(it only goes out into the lake about 15 feet) casting out of the peir and the only thing ive caught doing so is sheepshead,Does anyone have any idea as to why this is? because at that time of the year people start getting a lot off piers
Wow Fish Fanatic, you seem like an incredibly pleasant individual.

I was at a western trib mouth a few days ago, early morning for 4 hours. Caught and saw nothing.