Scugog Walleye Fishing CLOSED Until Further Notice!!!!!!

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Nov 4, 2012
Effective Jan 1st 2016

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests has confirmed it will be closing the walleye fishery for Lake Scugog until further notice.
In announcing the change on the its Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) website, the ministry stated that its decision took into account advice from the Fisheries Management Zone 17 council, input from the public and stakeholders, and the best science available. The closure goes into effect Jan. 1, 2016.
Back in 2009, the ministry developed a Fisheries Management Plan that identified challenges associated with the recreational fishery in the FMZ. “The observed declines in walleye abundance, and associated shifts in the structure of the fish community, have been identified as the highest priority fisheries management challenge in FMZ 17,” the ministry states.
According to the ministry, the walleye fishery in Lake Scugog, “was excellent in the 1970s and 1980s.” However, the population started to decline in the 1990s and continues to decline today.
“Since the 1990s, walleye abundance has continued to decline due to continued high fishing pressure and the additional factor of low annual recruitment (the number of small/young fish being added to the population each year due to natural reproduction).”
Fish community structure changes may also be impacting walleye abundance in Lake Scugog. According to the ministry, the fish community in Lake Scugog is now dominated by bluegill and black crappie. These fish species compete directly with young walleye for food and habitat.
Black crappie may also prey on young walleye. These factors, among others, may lead to a reduction in the number of walleye that survive to adulthood. “If the walleye fishery is to recover, harvest levels of the past can no longer be sustained.”
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) responded to the MNRF announcement this morning by stating it does not support the year-round closure of the walleye fishery in Lake Scugog based on the information that was used to make the decision.
“We did not feel that all potential management options were adequately assessed,” the OFAH stated. “Anglers are being singled out as the only cause for the decline in Walleye on Lake Scugog. It can’t be shown that angler harvest of Walleye is solely responsible for the declining populations in Lake Scugog. We do know that there are a series of issues still happening that will impact Walleye populations and without addressing these issues, there may be no recovery of the Walleye population even after the closure.”
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Same ol same ol...

The MNR will want to do another study on the lake before they decide the best measure was to stock (which will never happen) it for a decade. So.... no walleye fishing on Scugog.... How is this going to improve the walleye population? Especially if there are no recruits to begin with? OFAH had it right. The walleye were stocked into the kawarthas as early as the 1920's. What is stopping them to stock (required lakes) again? Ironic to say fishing is an 8 BILLION dollar industry annually in Ontario, more than golf and hockey combined, yet the MNRF don't want to contribute to it...
I'm glad they stopped it, should have years ago for winter fishing. Grew up in Port Perry and remember how good it use to be but also remover thinking how it would ever last with a 6 fish limit. Closing Rice Lake for walleye in winter sure helped that lake.
The reason they stop stocking any fish, the population becomes self sustaining, its the reason why they stopped stocking steelhead into Lake O, in the east, same for the salmon. the walleye were self sustaining, so why keep putting money into a good sustaining population. better to direct it elsewhere. The over fishing in scugog is horrendous to say the least
They were actually finding good sized walleye but the problem is that any juvenile fish were just not making it for a number of reasons. I'm glad this has happened as I have a cottage on scugog and have seen this population of walleye being destroyed. And anyone who wants to see why just has to go to the causeway and take a look at the buckets on the opener. Any juvenile caught is kept and it's pathetic!
Is there, or I should say, was there a slot reg on Scugog?
I have only fished that lake once or twice, a number of years ago. The slots ensure that prime spawners are released by legit anglers.
I know about buckets of small fish, fish the Grxxx all the time.
Areas of heavy pressure like Scugog and the Grxxx need protection from loogans and bucketeers. I hope these places will hold fish for my nephew as he grows up.
I believe the slot limits are working in some areas.
Lets all endeavour to release the spawners.
As always remember 1-877-mnr-tips and call if you see anything shady.
Fishing is now and for the future, lets protect it.

Ofah has a bit of an NRA feel with that post. I get that they're sticking up for fisherman's rights but when your rights are contributing to the elimination of a population, your rights go out the window. The wants of the few do not outweigh the needs of the many.

'The population is declining to unsustainable levels...but since we aren't the ONLY reason for the decline we want to keep taking 6 fish a day and completely destroy the population. '

It's a weird stance. How about this ofah...all the other reasons mentioned (young walleye being out competed, young walleye being preyed on by competition) are not stopping. The ministry has a few choices

1 tell the crappies and blue gills to stop eating young walleye
2. Tell the crappies and blue gills to leave some food for the walleye and die themselves
3. Tell the fisherman to stop taking fish from the lake until the population recovers.

Hmm...tough one. Ofah's solution? Let's develop a device for communicating bulletins to black crappie and blue gills!
Swing4Steel said:
Just up the limits on crappie and bluegill and make a few Internet reports about scugog being on fire for crappie. Shouldn't take long
That's too simple and effective a measure for the government to understand and undertake :)

(Crappie/bluegill tournaments with big pur$e$ for most # of fish caught/kept would also be cool).

(And what about allowing some commercial fishing for crappie/bluegill on Scugog? Letting some local restaurants serve Scugog Crappie on their menu?)

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