second annual west trib cleanup

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2012
Well its almost that time of year again, the leaves are falling and theres tons of garbage lining the banks of a west trib. Time for a fall cleanup!! I haven't chosen a date yet but im thinking either the first or second weekend in november, it will be a two day event just like last year we will do the south stretch (named after a big oil company) on the saterday and the upper stretch (the area near the highway named after some famous chick) on the sunday. If you are interested in helping out please post what weekend works best for you. Thanks guys!
Doh. you will need a dumpster on site for the amount of trash there!, Count me in if im not working
I'm in. Doesnt matter what weekend but I say the sooner the better while the temps are still up.
I'm not sure about availability yet and I barely go west. But if you guys have come up on a date...kindly PM me coordinates...this will be my first time meeting OFF members and I won't be able to go on the 'geen outing so I will try to make it on this clean up.
Creek cleanup will take place November 16th and 17th, with the saugeen trip being postponed the cleanup will be aswell. If you are interested in helping out please shoot me a pm or reply to this thread. Bags, gloves, water. etc will be provided. The garbage down there is nowhere near as bad as last year so i cant see the cleanup taking longer than 2 hours each day.


a "karma fish" that was caught after last years cleanup lol
I was wondering how you were gonna be at the outing and the cleanup at the same
What time do you think the cleanup will start?
if im not working ill be there Shoot me a pm Redneck where you are meeting and what time when you have it all figured out.
cleanup is this weekend. the garbage isnt too bad down there from what ive heard so I think we will just make this a one day event. Ill be down there saturday the 16th for first light and we will start the cleanup around 10 if anyone needs info on where to meet shoot me a pm.