second annual west trib cleanup

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Gotta do a small job first thing, gonna leave from work and meet ya down there. Redneck you have my cell#, text me so I got your number in case im running late and can find you for bags/gloves etc.
Was great to meet a few of you. Not a ton of garbage which was nice, Nice to see the banks clean again.

Got a few odd looks from some of the guys down fishing. Hopefully they take note and take any garbage out with them.

Til next year!
No it was changed to just one day! But you don't need a clean up to take a bag to your local trib and clean the banks of your favourite pools.
Nice sharing the banks with you guys in a positive way...
Every little bit helps....
thanks again everyone who came and helped out!!! like menace said there wasnt too much garbage which was nice. woulda been nice to have more people show though lol