Slip n Fall

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2012
Anyone ever slip and fall into the river? It happend to me yesterday! It also happend 5 minutes after getting to where I went. A little water got into my waders. The river I fished was about 45 mins from my house so I didnt want to pack it in and head homw after just getting there. I spent the day wet but not too cold. Woke up this morning sicker then a dog! Lesson learned, pack extra clothing lol. Feel free to have a laugh at my expense. Im not easily embarassed.
not in the river, but 3 weeks ago, had a nice steely on, was gettin ready to land it so started backing up the shore, slipped on the mud in my felt bottomed boots, ended up flat on my back with the wind knocked out of me, still had the rod in my hand, fish still on, got up to one knee to continue the fight, only to have it break off 2 minutes later........
Lesson learned i bet ....

Coulda been alot worse tho !

Glad ur ok and all u got was a cold :) lol
... have yet to be fully baptized. Trying my best to keep it that way but I have taken many falls throughout the years. I once slipped and fell on my behind while setting the hook :lol:
Yeah I just wasnt paying attention and before I knew it I was on my a**. Manged to keep my gloves dry! I have had close calls before but this was my first time hitting the water. I guess im baptized now lol. It wasn't deep just a shallow fast part, fast enough to ride up my back and into the waders. I wasnt going to let a little water ruin my day. The only unfortunate part about it was I went 0/2 for the day.

On that note I was using 5lbs RIO flurocarbon and both times after fighting the fish for a minute my lead snapped. I landed a 20lbs salmon on the same spool earlier this year but found this stuff to be super brittle. I remeber earlier an other off member saying the same thing when I suggested it. I should have listend to him! And I wasn't horsing the fish in or anything.
Lesson learned i bet ....

Coulda been alot worse tho !

Glad ur ok and all u got was a cold :) lol
Yes alot worse! Here is a story that this reminded me of! Though a different scenario still a lesson to be learned.
Ya. I slipped a few weeks ago. water up to my shoulders but I was wearing neoprene waders and no water got in them. Upper body was still cold though. Kept fishing.
lol, it happens.

i went fishing about a month or 2 ago just after a rain and it was very muddy, lost my footing and into the river i went, lol. the guy next to me got a good laugh. luckily it was towards tthe end of my day and not at the beginning.
Happened to me many times, from the bank, while wading, and fell twice recently on my way to the water on those darn muddy slippery Willy hills post-Sandy.

lol, it happens.

i went fishing about a month or 2 ago just after a rain and it was very muddy, lost my footing and into the river i went, lol. the guy next to me got a good laugh. luckily it was towards tthe end of my day and not at the beginning.
Also lucky for you it was probably 15° warmer 2 months ago!lol still not a very pleasent feeling!
lol, it happens.

i went fishing about a month or 2 ago just after a rain and it was very muddy, lost my footing and into the river i went, lol. the guy next to me got a good laugh. luckily it was towards tthe end of my day and not at the beginning.

An older guy was fishing next to me once, and took a fall in waist high water. It took him several attempts to get back up, was about to lend him a hand but he finally got up. I couldn't stop laughing afterwards, it was a real life Bill Dance blooper unfolding right before my eyes.
I feel your pain!!!! My best fall was crossing a river in waist high fast water . Its minus 10 in mid January and the sun is not up yet. Three guys say to me before I head across that I must be nuts to attempt it. Had just lit a smoke and hit a rock and started the dreaded "run" trying to get my balance. Down I went and I popped straight up-soaked smoke still hanging from my lips. The guys saw me go down and I hear them yelling are you alright. Nearly frozen and embarrassed <smoke now frozen to my lips> I calmly yell I am ok and proceed back to my car and headed home. Scary at the time but I laugh about it now.
I've fallen several times. The worst was last December when I took a swim downstream :)
I got soaked getting back into a canoe on the river on the last couple of hundred yards before the road last week. I was in and sitting down when the canoe drifted away from the riverbank & when I reached out to grab the bank I turned the canoe into a submarine, before I knew it water poured in and I was sitting on the riverbed waist deep in water in shock.

I had a change of clothes in the car but we had to get the water of of the canoe and paddle the distance back to the bridge soaked, with my wellies (rubber boots) still full of water.

Guess I was Baptized too....
I feel your pain!!!! My best fall was crossing a river in waist high fast water . Its minus 10 in mid January and the sun is not up yet. Three guys say to me before I head across that I must be nuts to attempt it. Had just lit a smoke and hit a rock and started the dreaded "run" trying to get my balance. Down I went and I popped straight up-soaked smoke still hanging from my lips. The guys saw me go down and I hear them yelling are you alright. Nearly frozen and embarrassed <smoke now frozen to my lips> I calmly yell I am ok and proceed back to my car and headed home. Scary at the time but I laugh about it now.

It's maddening when that happens as it's tough to light up your smoke again LOL