So What Do You Do For A Living???

Ontario Fishing Forums

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run a small renovation and landscape business which is great when the fishing is good I take a break and get out and fish
Retired with nothing to do and all day to do it!!! The nothing to do is a joke, maintenance jobs I used to hire out I now do myself, with 25% of your income going south after retirement, one has to make up the monetary differance and this works for me.
I build cars. Day in day out. Lots of ot so not much time for fishing and hunting. Used to be a bricklayer and owner of my own construction company.

So in short i sold my soul for a paycheck.
Im an international music producer/audio engineer, I'm based in Canada but I work mostly on contracts from France, Mexico, Taiwan and Australia. As long as I meet my deadlines, I can fish any time actually. Too bad most people wouldn't really consider it a 'real' job though lol so I guess amateur fisherman is my job!
I am a certified machinist.
I work with Mills/Lathes/and Grinders mostly and am employed with an injection mold company currently.
15+ years in the trade.
Hospital Security Guard as well as one in a large office complex in the financial district.

In the final stages of the hiring process with a certain police service in the GTA. Fingers crossed.
Paul1913 said:
Hah try to keep to myself and don't go looking for work when I'm trying to relax

haha here ya there, have to resist the urge of telling people about the crap meat they're buying from walmart/metro/sobeys/no frills/freshco
Happy to say i just recieved a promotion today! Now the G.M of the "test and R&D" dept of my company. Looks like I have to go out and buy a new fly setup to celebrate.