Well I guess your rightI still wanna get a raven rod tho! How does the im8 compare?
Lots of power. It gets heavy after a while though, and I think 13' is the shortest you can get.
Well I guess your rightI still wanna get a raven rod tho! How does the im8 compare?
Aln, a suggestion before you buy your reel; when you go to the store to purchase your reel and there are a few of the same model at the store, spin them first and see which one has the better spin because there is a difference especially with the Okuma.
This sunday? Where to?? I have plans with the girlfriendbut I'm free after 12!
+1 for clarus float rodI have Shimano Clarus 13' 4 pcs. I always brake it in 2 no need for 4. but you always have that option. As far handling, it is very light and it is awesome rod.
It is excellent rod for the money, I was landing 20-30lb salmon this season no problem. Releasing them too
This is not me!
Very nice buddy, you'll love it.
Hmm. I'd go with an 8-10lb line. If you wanna get a lot for cheap try raven, but I'm not a big fan of it. Currently using suffix siege and it's decent, but beds a lot after every fish. Suffix Promix or Pline Cxx are good if you can find them. Remember though, you need to put backing on the reel before spooling it with mono.