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The limits have had an impact on the fishery, no doubt. However with the increasing #'s of fish running upstream each year, increased percentages of wild fish and the increase in fish size, the fishery isn't taking as big a hit as it may seem from the slaughter. This has been happening for years over and over again yet we still have fruitful years ( of course thanks to stocking efforts ). Once of course, the carrying capacity is reached, then we will see a decline in the numbers and regulations will be changed.

Now we are only able to fish within 2 km of the mouths of the east tribs, that is a lot of headwaters and a lot of fish that will successfully procreate.

As for the photo, something tells me our friend probably has another 40 of those bags...
Dozer said:
:lol: Fly guys make float fishermen look like school girls when it comes to salmon fishing :lol: Just some innocent fun and games dude.

it esa taken as a good fun--FYI
ChaseChrome said:
JMatt those dozen or so carcasses drifted down into a spot you fish "frequently"


i would imagine so, only adds to others that have floated down. its why i don't usually fish that system in the fall, only spring, if we're talking the same system
its sad but totaly legal providing he has under 10 full skeins . lake ontario fish are not considered edible therefore the meat is allowed to be wasted
steelhead101 said:
its sad but totaly legal providing he has under 10 full skeins . lake ontario fish are not considered edible therefore the meat is allowed to be wasted
Doesnt matter if the fish is dirty or not, throwing away the carcass is considered to be a crime, ESPECIALLY when you are throwing it away into a river. Iv asked a conservation officer about this, so Im positive.
steelhead101 said:
its sad but totaly legal providing he has under 10 full skeins . lake ontario fish are not considered edible therefore the meat is allowed to be wasted

stop spreading lies....lake O fish are most definitely considered edible
To clarify: Giving fish to someone who doesn't possess a license is LEGAL. Giving a fish to your neighbour, friend, stranger, or family member is OK.

Also, the issue with feeding your pet Lake Ontario salmon has to do with contaminants in the fish, not bacteria. A friend's dog that started being fed Lake O salmon, which was healthy up to that point, became sick and passed away young. Exercise caution...
I wouldn't eat one. Not too long ago they found problems with the steelhead at Port Hope.
I wouldn't eat one ether but then I wouldn't gut a salmon for the roe an toss it back in the river that's the real problem is the people who fish just to stock pile roe and I'm not against people talking one or two hens for roe pillaging a trib for that much roe is disgraceful and toss discard the dead fish in the river is illegal
ChaseChrome said:
Just the gun thanks... :ph34r:
CC one question though was intentions to fish with the roe or was it for consumption? Makes a difference, not to say he was right because its totally wrong to kill so many fish just for roe. At the same time you cannot classify all roe users in the same catagory.
Maybe I am a newbie at this aspect of fishing. I do not tie my own roe. I noticed when I do catch hens, as soon as I land em' if they are to be returned to the water I do so asap usually dont even fully take them out.

But my question is, why do people gut these fish, when the eggs are already falling out? Does it take too long? I don't get it? I am sure I am missing something here.

That much roe- the guy has to be selling or supplying someone to sell eggs.
Alot of people see revenue in roe, check Kijiji to see how many ads go up for salmon and trout season, I regularlly surf the site looking for new gear using very generic terms.
Looks like what this guy is doing is already illegal. Not quite sure how more rules would change the situation.

ChaseChrome said:
Some of you talk about "limits" as an argument based in current law...but my argument of "limits" is of an intrinsic nature.​
Ought living things not possess intrinsic value...can one marshal a counter argument based upon utility or rights?​
Like a living worm or minnow that so many of us have threaded onto a hook over the years?

How about that bunny or deer that died so you could tie a bunch of pretty flies?
if worms were limited to small rivers only I am sure they would be on the list of what not to kill not to mention there are more worms on one farmers field than there are people on this planet.-and research how the tiny bunny that is born and raised on farms for food is completely utilized before you compare those to the salmon slaughter--all the way down to the pretty flies---no bunny is left dying on the shore in order to steal its fur...and to boot if people saw some dude skinning a bunny on the side of a road smiling with 6 teeth in his mouth, and his simpleton explanation was he wanted to tie flies with the fur--PETA would set up a permanent office right then and there,,,city TV would have it as their cover story for weeks...but with salmon--nope all

before people begin to breathe heavy into paperbags over this thread.--i.just like you am only giving my "valued" opinion,
ChaseChrome said:
If memory serves it is illegal to sell roe unless you have a license...

you are correct


Sport fishing is an important recreational activity for many Ontarians and the Ministry of
Natural Resources encourages fishers to make full use of all sport caught fish.
However, an Ontario Sport Fishing Licence is not a licence to sell any part of your
catch; it is illegal to buy or sell the roe of sport caught fish.
People who are involved in the illegal sale of fish roe:
- harvest fish for the eggs before the fish have an opportunity to spawn, reducing local
population renewal rates;
- waste the flesh of adult fish harvested for their roe alone;
- deplete local fish stocks during spawning periods when fish are particularly vulnerable;
- remove fish and eggs from rivers and lakes; even eggs which do not hatch play a
critical link in the ecosystem; and
- increase the chance of spreading fish diseases if the roe comes from disease effected
Buying or selling of sport caught fish and roe is prohibited under Ontario’s
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997.
The maximum penalty for illegal sale or purchase of fish roe is a fine up to $100,000,
two years’ imprisonment, or a combination of both.
This legislation protects Ontario’s fish populations by prohibiting sport fishers from
harvesting fish for commercial gain.
If you have any information about unlawful sale of fish roe, or any other natural resources
violation, call the Ministry of Natural Resources TIPS line at 1-877-TIPS-MNR
You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477
ChaseChrome said:
If memory serves it is illegal to sell roe unless you have a license...
To clarify:

You don't need a license to sell roe.

Yes it's illegal to sell roe from fish that have been caught. There is a legal way to sell roe and it requires no license..only requires that the eggs be sourced from a legal (aquaculture) source.

If your roe vendor has you questioning their source, ask them where they purchase their roe. There aren't as many aquaculture sources in Ontario as you would think.

They have machines that separate eggs that will hatch from eggs that won't. The eggs that won't hatch, are sold in bulk to roe vendors. Various curing methods are used to bring back colour and desired firmness to the eggs.

If someone is selling roe on Kijiji, they aren't necessarily breaking any laws. But it wouldn't be far fetched to think that some of these 5 hen per outing guys are indeed illegally selling their harvest.

above link is lake ontario eating guide, chinook salmon limit is 5 per fishing license yet the guide recommends only one fish for a healthy adult. therefore the other 4 salmon kept are inedible.

some may argue that you can give the fish away, but as stated it would be awfully stupid to give meat to some one that may affect things like life span and fertility.

not spreading lies btw, the link is my proof
steelhead101 said:

above link is lake ontario eating guide, chinook salmon limit is 5 per fishing license yet the guide recommends only one fish for a healthy adult. therefore the other 4 salmon kept are inedible.

some may argue that you can give the fish away, but as stated it would be awfully stupid to give meat to some one that may affect things like life span and fertility.

not spreading lies btw, the link is my proof
wrong on so many levels

this is ONLY A GUIDE. you are spreading false information that the fish are inedible and are therefore part of the problem, do you follow the canada food guide recommendations 100%? didn't think so. it does not matter whether or not a GUIDE says its healthy to consume 1 fish per month, the other 4 are still 100% edible

and on further note, I will challenge you to call the MNR to confirm that my information is correct
to add to this, this is taken from the right side of page 8 from the Ontario Fishing Regulations

• Transportlive fish, otherthan baitfish,taken fromOntariowaters
or to transfer or stock any fish into Ontario’s waters without a
special licence to transport or stock fish.
• Transferlive fish orlive spawn fromone body ofwaterto another
without the authorization of the Ministry of Natural Resources.
• Possess any ofthe following live invasive species:rudd,ruffe,
bighead carp, black carp, grass carp, silver carp, round goby,
tubenose goby or any member of the snakehead family.
• Use live fish otherthan those listed as baitfish (page 10)for bait.
• Fish for or possess the following specially protected fish species:
American eel, cutlip minnow and redside dace.
• Sell or buy any recreationally-caught fish (including taxidermy
mounts), crayfish, leeches, frogs, fish eggs or spawn. Only holders
of commercial fishing or commercial bait licences may sell their
• Possess a spring gaff, snagger or spear gunwithin 30m(98 ft.) of
any waters. A spring gaff includes any spring loaded device which
sets the hook for an angler. No person shall take fish with a gaff,
snare, snagger or spear gun. A gaff, other than a spring gaff, may
be used to assist in landing fish caught by lawful means.
• Catch a fish by impaling or snagging itwith a hook through any
part of the body other than the mouth – any fish hooked in this
way must be released immediately.
• Take fish by anymeans otherthan angling, spear, bowand arrow,
net or bait fish trap.
• Possess a spearforthe purpose of fishing on orwithin 30m(98 ft.)
of the edge of any waters except when fishing in accordance with
the regulations (see Non-angling Methods, page 11).
• Use artificial lights to attract fish except:
– to fish for smelt, or to fish for lake whitefish or lake herring with
a dip net
– if the light is part of a lure attached to a line used in angling.
• Use dynamite or other explosives to take or destroy fish.
• Fishwithin 25m(81.8 ft.) of a pound net or fish culture cage.
• Fishwithin 22.9m(75 ft.) downstreamfromthe lower entrance to
any fishway or canal, obstacle, or any device designed to assist
fish around an obstacle.
• Abandon fish or permit the flesh to spoil, if the fish is suitable for
human consumption.
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