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I really should have went into graphic design, not many can create the magic I can in MS Paint.


  • happy fish.bmp
    2 MB
Made it out Today after waking up and my Boss telling me it was a rain day? Okay! Lol went 1:4 and I blame my hook being dull for the lost fish as after loosing two I checked it and the point was bent over..swtiched the hook and had an other on for 3 mins or so before it popped out. Oh well, to the good stuff...this fish gave me three nice aerials, oh yah and the two lost fish on the bent hook were back to back drifts during the 10 mins of rain all day..

That elongated caudal peduncle ( where you grab the fish ) says Atlantic...
It definatly had me guessing on the river but my final thought was Bow. I've personally never caught a Lake Run Brown let alone a Tic..

Edit: you have me guessing
Now I'm not sure myself :lol: But its def. not a bow, lack of spots on the tail.

I am going with Brolantic.
That would be a Brown 8). You can rule out Atlantic from the position of the eye. An Atlantics eye is a little farther back from the maxillary.