ChaseChrome said:
welcome back knook...been a while...hope everyone is healing there...
Thanks CC.
Been a rough couple months for me and the family. Had a health scare in early April that laid me out for quit a while. Hit with sepsis, appendicitis (caused the sepsis) and adult onset type 1 diabetes. All at the same time! I'm back to my old self now, minus the diabetes. But I can manage that, it could have been a lot worse for me.
As for fishing......I had to cancel my trip to Yakutat for the spring run of steelhead in the Situk river. Bummed me out bad but at least I can go next year. With the
loooong winter we had spring here has literally just started. The trees only got their leaves about a week ago. Rivers were locked later into spring and now they are torrents with all the melt off. My spring rainbow fishing trips are set back as well as my first trip going for sockeyes. The sockeyes are staging at the river mouths but not entering due to the river conditions. My annual Klutina river trip next week is being put off until the fish count gets better.
It should pick up in a week or so but everything is late.
The king salmon run on the other hand is dismal again this year. Low returns have had emergency orders posted before the run even started. I don't think I will even wet a line for them this year unless it is in the salt.
I will be headed out to hit a few rivers and streams for rainbows this weekend. Hopefully the rivers are fishable. I haven't felt the tug all year......and as you all know the tug is the drug.
Hopefully I will be posting some pictures in the near the meantime keep killing me with those awesome catches guys!