The salmon are trickling in the rivers and we hit the Kenai river for the first time this year for salmon. We camped with friends, some of which haven't been seen in a while so it was great catching up and having some laughs. We floated the middle Kenai and caught a few rainbows. No pics of the bows as they were not the biggest. No salmon caught while banking on the many banks and islands. With floating in such great weather a salmon would just be the icing on the cake. It was a fun float. We floated through a closed section of the river due to the rainbow spawn....All I can say is WOW! the amount of fish and size of these rainbows were unbelievable. It was awesome to see.
The hooligan (ocean run smelt) was a sight to see as well. They were in so thick that some areas of the river were black! There is no limit to these and you can keep as many as you want. They are good to eat, smoke, use as bait for halibut or fertilizer. How ever you see fist to use. They hug the banks and you can't help but snag into a few while fishing for salmon. You can literally reach down into the water and pull four our with your bare hands. I did a few times just to try.
We took another day to float the upper section of the Kenai and noticed that there were sockeys stacked in the "sanctuary" portion of the river. This is where the Russian river meets the Kenai river. This are is closed until July so the first run of sockeye make it up to the Russian river. The Russian river itself was open to fishing and we headed there after seeing all those fish. People everywhere were limiting out and there were fish all over the river. I hooked and lost around 10 fish and ended up getting my limit of three. Pound for pound the sockeye fights harder than any other pacific salmon. A ton of screaming runs and jumps.
It was a great trip and fun catching some fish. Looks like grilled sockeye salmon for dinner tonight. Life is rough!
Hooligan coming in wave after wave....
An eagle picking off a hooligan
Skilak lake (the put in for the middle river)
First blood on my new reel.
Russian River Sockeye