This forum sucks...

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Guilty...It has been a few weeks for me, cut me some slack lol.
On the subject of private property, land owners share liability with respect to trespassers if they don't post signs denying access. It's an insurance thing. In some cases, it's also good stewardship. I used to own 20 acres with creek bed running right through it. Within 200' of the creek was designated EP (Environmental Protection), and I couldn't even move fallen trees without permission. Respect the land owners - ask permission before going in.
On the subject of private property, land owners share liability with respect to trespassers if they don't post signs denying access. It's an insurance thing. In some cases, it's also good stewardship. I used to own 20 acres with creek bed running right through it. Within 200' of the creek was designated EP (Environmental Protection), and I couldn't even move fallen trees without permission. Respect the land owners - ask permission before going in.
On the subject of private property, land owners share liability with respect to trespassers if they don't post signs denying access. It's an insurance thing. In some cases, it's also good stewardship. I used to own 20 acres with creek bed running right through it. Within 200' of the creek was designated EP (Environmental Protection), and I couldn't even move fallen trees without permission. Respect the land owners - ask permission before going in.

Ya I have no problem with landowners not wanting people on their property it was the landowners who apparently owned the riverbed where it was legal to fish that got me going. The thought of that really got me upset, but thats old water under the bridge ill probably never come across it while fishing so its not a big deal.

Lmao at least you understand, sometimes fishing just dosent cut it.

lol I think I might take the weekend off fishing and pay some attention to the important things in life. I can live without a weekend of fishing after 10 weekends straight right?
You guys need to get laid, loosen up a bit lol. I haven't heard this much bitching since my girlfriend was pregnant. Who ever has beef, rumble it out on the water, no need to waste space on this forum.

Haha id rather waste "space" with non sense bs than have pictures of backgrounds eveywhere.... btw, im more than happy to out fish any of you ;P ofcourse if thats what you ment by rumble it out on the water :twisted: :cool:
Haha id rather waste "space" with non sense bs than have pictures of backgrounds eveywhere.... btw, im more than happy to out fish any of you ;P ofcourse if thats what you ment by rumble it out on the water :twisted: :cool:

Im gunna assume that was a joke.
ahh depends which way u look at it haha, but seriously lets have a tourney
you might not want to offer the tourney to the whole forum....the way things are going here, you'll have people coming out just to drown somebody hahaha.
was that a threat? lmfao im out on the rivers 4 days a week and have yet to get someone to talk to me about this forum. by anymeans if anyone sees me out on the water and wanna talk, say somthin.
was that a threat? lmfao im out on the rivers 4 days a week and have yet to get someone to talk to me about this forum. by anymeans if anyone sees me out on the water and wanna talk, say somthin.
That wasn't meant as a threat at all, just a joke, it just seems to me that quite a few people on this forum are at odds with each other, i just pictured a tourney with all these people coming out with bats instead of rods lol
I have my money on L2P. lol

We should get Pedro in on this too for old time sakes. lol

t0ca too?
LICENSETOPIN, so if a couple of members from few hundred active members, posted a picture you don't like and don't think is a good idea to post on public forum, you think it's fair to start bashing whole OFF community of wrong doing? Have you even tried to resolve these issues before starting this tread? You never pm'd admin or mods to remove the pictures, i have hard time beleiving you pm'd people that posted pictures and asked them to remove, with explanation why, and sorry if i'm wrong, but i don't remember you posting a short thread about why it is important to keep the reports from little creeks out of public forums because they might get ruined.

btw, if this forum sucks, why do you keep logging in?
was that a threat? lmfao im out on the rivers 4 days a week and have yet to get someone to talk to me about this forum. by anymeans if anyone sees me out on the water and wanna talk, say somthin.

Your pic has a pretty clear background... And a bridge... Care to share where it is? You honestly seem like THE cockiest individual on this site, and beyond negative. Relax man, if you're better then everyone else, all the power to you.
LICENSETOPIN, so if a couple of members from few hundred active members, posted a picture you don't like and don't think is a good idea to post on public forum, you think it's fair to start bashing whole OFF community of wrong doing? Have you even tried to resolve these issues before starting this tread? You never pm'd admin or mods to remove the pictures, i have hard time beleiving you pm'd people that posted pictures and asked them to remove, with explanation why, and sorry if i'm wrong, but i don't remember you posting a short thread about why it is important to keep the reports from little creeks out of public forums because they might get ruined.

btw, if this forum sucks, why do you keep logging in?
Well said efka.
I have returned to this " train wreck " once again, I can only figure that it's because it was at the top of the sub-forum listing and the title just makes my finger twitch involuntarily on my mouse.
I'm also getting a few chuckles from it.
Like I said before, there are many forums and they all have lurkers. So what should we do, hide the backgrounds on every ones pics and delete river names? Then the lurkers will just join all the forums, it only takes seconds to join most of them, and present themselves as honorable, conservation minded fishermen so they can get a good reputation and then start PM'ing with "Real Members", and then find locations.
All the big tribs are common knowledge to everybody, you only need a map and to explore a little to find your own "glory holes." Bait and Tackle shop owners talk, anglers talk on the shore or from boat to boat do we need to stop them too?
Licensetopin, you are basically advocating censorship. This is not the USSR, that doesn't exist anymore, this is Canada and people a free to say what they want. You got lots of work on your hands cause even if you get one forum to censor every one, you got 20 more to go. I'm 50 and fairly new to the internet but even I know the old days are gone.
I guess I also have to ask, if this forum sucks why do you keep coming on instead of finding a forum that censors?

It's the fact that these forums lack censorship and it seems to be the norm here to be posting spots with full backgrounds and names of tribs to be freely viewed.

We did have a private reports section back in the day where those types of posts belong, but now everything is out in the open, it's a completely different ball game.

The stats speak for themselves. In the past 120 minutes 26 registered users 58 total, meaning 38 are still lurkers, translates to 66%. I hate to use another forum for example, but looking at right now, they have 8 registered users out of 9 visitors on that site. The reason being, lurkers/poachers/snaggers know better than to snoop there for info. Why? Because they sure as hell know better.

We know for a fact that lurkers/poachers/snaggers snoop these forums for the info we post, so why give that to them to begin with? Why can't some of you be a bit more precarious instead of being naive? You preach about being a conservationist and practicing catch & release, but you contradict that notion by freely posting that info for all to see.

Call it censorship or whatever you want, but I'm sure many people will agree that Willy was a hidden gem until Italo & Henry did a show there and look what it has become. If there's anything to be learned from this is that history can and will repeat itself.

PS: Why do you think everybody vilified Pedro so much last year? The stuff he put up on the public forums was just incredible, until FINALLY, it was locked up, but the damage had been done.
Is this the guy you are afraid of?

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