This forum sucks...

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i say we put this baby to rest, some of us agree some us don't .frank i agree with u 100% buddy some guys just don't wanna lisen. Not worth dragging this crap any longer lock it up and throw it away.
Reading the post for the first time,
I have to say there is 1 member and 9 guests reading this thread :shock: . So in that aspect L2P makes a valid point, always be wary of what you post . The way the point was presented was maybe a little poorly handled :? , but i am sure anger had a huge part in the title. Coming from someone who has spent many 4-7 day fish weeks, nothing makes you more angry then a crowd of rude and inconsiderate A holes killing everything they catch in you favorite spot . Especially when the knowledge of were to catch these fish was put on the internet. There is no point in bickering and fighting about it, take a look at all the pics L2P posts you can still talk about your day, post pics and share info. Just don't give locations away !!!! and if you do trust me one day you will get burned and learn the hard way..... I Have :( . nothing sucks more then showing up to 100 guys because your post gave away the prime spot. man did I learn. :unsure: Can you imagine how bitchy we would all be if there were no fish to catch. 1 posts sends 100 guys to a small creek and each one keeps their limit = 200 less fish spawning 200 less fish spawning = 400 000 to 600 000 less eggs in the water. That kind of stuff can kill a small trib and not all tribs are stocked.

This post was not to instigate just to share an opinion of someone who has read the post all 5 pages for the first time. I know we are all hear to share, learn and make friends with a common interest, but please posting pics or giving away your location does not help anyone, it does not make you a better fisherman and at the end of the day can only do us and our sport harm.

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Who knows 71 guests Man I hate when a party gets packed with people i don't


Thanks all
Lets all go Fishing and enjoy our sport
I wanted to add
I like this forum and have chatted with good people on here.

That's it :smile:
LICENSETOPIN, so if a couple of members from few hundred active members, posted a picture you don't like and don't think is a good idea to post on public forum, you think it's fair to start bashing whole OFF community of wrong doing? Have you even tried to resolve these issues before starting this tread? You never pm'd admin or mods to remove the pictures, i have hard time beleiving you pm'd people that posted pictures and asked them to remove, with explanation why, and sorry if i'm wrong, but i don't remember you posting a short thread about why it is important to keep the reports from little creeks out of public forums because they might get ruined.

btw, if this forum sucks, why do you keep logging in?

First off this isnt the first time or second and will likely wont be the last of these threads on any forum not just this one. Most other forums just do a better job at protecting our natural resources by dealing with posts like that quickly or not letting it get there at all.( yeah i went there...) Ofcourse I never expected anyone on the forum to be offended specially since I never even mentioned any names. I didnt pm anyone about anything because I feel like its the mods or admins jobs to do so, after all you guys run this place, right? You guys know how many lurkers are out there, is that okay with you guys? I mean there are anonymous people out there that have access to our pictures and basic information. Whats the point of joining the forum when you dont even have to? And to all the guys that think im the Centerpin elitist Ussr terrorizer from scaborough, I have one question... what difference does it make to post or take a picture that DOESNT show the background???

Your pic has a pretty clear background... And a bridge... Care to share where it is? You honestly seem like THE cockiest individual on this site, and beyond negative. Relax man, if you're better then everyone else, all the power to you.
Dont try and be a smart ass, pics that are 2-3 years old are way different from posting a report and pictures the day off. I hope I dont have to explain that one... Why do I come as cocky? because I stand up for what I believe is right and is for the better of everyone? Were all in this forum because we all share the same passion after all, I guess some just dont care as much as others do maybe some dont even care at all.

Hey Alfie, I agree that the "good ol days" are long gone, and being younger I didnt even get to experience those years. But this the now and this is all we have so why not try our best to protect it?

For those that asked, I still come on here because im not just gona sit and watch all this bs go down. You guys might not care but your also ruining it for the people that do.

Btw, for the record. I dont think im better than anyone else, ive got NOTHING to prove to any of you.
This issue will never go away unless we're more vigilant with what we post.

The guys who post their hero pics with full background in view and naming tribs, are usually the ones who bitch & complain about seeing slit up fish on the banks. Well duh...
Here I am again. I agree licensetopin that the good old days are gone. But now there is the web and nothing is secret anymore. I even search areas and maps on the web with no help from any forums and spot places to fish, and many of them are good when I go there, it's not hard. The info is there for public viewing. I actually found a place just viewing top maps this spring where I thought there could be Specks, not far from Hamilton, I will not give the location, but there were Specks, many of them. Your point is well taken when it comes to small streams and creeks, don't disclose the location. But I don't think photos taken on larger Great Lake tribs helps anyone because those places are already known or can be found easily.The Credit, Grand, Bronte, Saugeen, Notty, Ganny are always going to be fished heavily no matter what. That won't change.

L2P you didnt expect anyone to be offended when you made a thread called "This forum sucks" have to be kidding...

I dont think anyone on this forum disagrees that actual spots shouldnt be named, I cant think of anyone at least. The sole reason this thread has gone on for so long was because you called it "This forum sucks".

And if someone recognizes the background then they already know the spot. Nothing wrong on this forum other than the attitude of a few members.
sorry but i gotta tell everyone..i caught a 60 pound river sturgeon in the credit today right below dundas..she was spitting eggs too so hello roe bags..p.s. i caught it on a bass pro musky to come..
L2P you didnt expect anyone to be offended when you made a thread called "This forum sucks" have to be kidding...

I dont think anyone on this forum disagrees that actual spots shouldnt be named, I cant think of anyone at least. The sole reason this thread has gone on for so long was because you called it "This forum sucks".

And if someone recognizes the background then they already know the spot. Nothing wrong on this forum other than the attitude of a few members.
my thoughts exactly i recognize the background in one members photos who is in my area, and have not went there once this year b/c i am patterning a different waterbody there are only so many ppl fishing and they cant all be everywhere everyday. also most ppl have to work sometimes to support the habit. the days when there is actually a large fresh run of fish in while there is a large amount of pressure is relatively low in my opinion, sure every creek gets bashed up pretty good a couple times per year but besides that damage gets spread around farely evenly IMO.



I cant believe some of you still dont get it... its like talking to a wall in here sometimes. Its just amazing how naive some of you are.

Alfie im not talking about you :wink: but you even said it your self... you went out did your homework, risked wasting a day by exploring new water and you were rewarded very well. That's what its all about, not these fake fishermen that have to go check a forum to decide where to head out the next day. I too have my secret honey rivers forget just honey holes, places where me and my friends are alone on stretches of river teeming with fresh run steelies and browns. I just know when I should start checking them out and now is not the time and these like you I also found by putting in work.

I agree that the big rivers are inevitable. That's just it, those are bigger rivers where pools can be shared with alot more people and definitely alot more fish to go around. The larger rivers can support them selves no doubt. But when people post pics of creeks its a different story. Just take the salmon season for example, im only 23 but even in my lifetime ive seen willy where there would be little to no garbage, barely any slit hens and most if any were actually at least disposed of properly not just thrown on shore to rot. Where people actually had decency and had respect not only for the sport but also for others that share it. But look at it now, its a fkin poop show.

The internet was the worst thing that ever happened to fishing. Now people just go online and read a rundown on float fishing for steelies and instantly they know everything. These "fishermen" just care about having a picture to post at the end of the day, ive said it more than once before and ill say it again. Fishing is so much more than just going out and catching a fish.

End thread.
I dont think anyone has an issue with the notion of not posting location pics that give away non-stocked, small creeks. It's your arrogant " Im so much better at this than all you *********" attitude and painting the entire forum as ***** that seems to be pissing everyone off. I have learned a lot from this forum from people like Blair and Hammercarp, nothing from you though, as apparently us plebs couldn't possibly learn what you do from the internet...:roll: Thankfully there are other sub-forums on here that have fisherman who do give out tackle and rigs tips.

Outdoors slaying fish on small unstocked creeks four days a week, but making sure no one else knows where the creek is, is not conservation.

Get over yourself.
You are right. This forum sucks! It sucks you into controversy that hopefully leaders to a greater understanding, sucks you into thinking about things that maybe you haven't considered before, sucks you into other ways and methods of doing things. When you invite people into a group with a common interest, you are going to have controversy. The very fact that you can complain about and speak your mind is a good thing because many of these other people may not realize what they are doing, or have seen other people doing it and think that this is ok. By having the discussion, it will help for maybe one, two or more to see it your way and what is the greater cause.
I dont think anyone has an issue with the notion of not posting location pics that give away non-stocked, small creeks. It's your arrogant " Im so much better at this than all you *********" attitude and painting the entire forum as ***** that seems to be pissing everyone off. I have learned a lot from this forum from people like Blair and Hammercarp, nothing from you though, as apparently us plebs couldn't possibly learn what you do from the internet...:roll: Thankfully there are other sub-forums on here that have fisherman who do give out tackle and rigs tips.

Outdoors slaying fish on small unstocked creeks four days a week, but making sure no one else knows where the creek is, is not conservation.

Get over yourself.

HAHA If i knew of a river where I could catch fish and not have anyone else around why would I tell anyone where it is?!? it might be being self fish to you but me n my friends spent money on gas, time going out 2-3 hrs away, and risking finding nothing. Not to mention talking to landowners, making sure were aren't trespassing asking permission to fish their property. Like Alfie said the resources are out there, everyone can access Google maps and find these gems. You are screwed in your head if you think im guna just hand it over to you in a silver platter. I don't keep fish for table fare and we clean up when we fish these areas to keep it in the pristine conditions that they are in. Tell me what you do for your rivers? Does it piss you off that I have that attitude? Lol, you judge me because I disagree with the rest, you've never msged me for help. Anyone thats met me on the water knows I don't mind showing them whats good, giving them tips. Ive already said it, I got nothing to prove to any of you.
I came back again. I don't like the title of this thread Licensetopin, but it sure draws attention. A lot of attention and many opinions.
Having been raised on Specks and fished them for 40 years I know I don't give out my " hot spots " to just anyone, nor does any Speck fisher. It makes me sick when I see garbage left behind by others. I often carry a garbage bag with me and pick up what I see and carry it out. The miles of fish line that I carry out also makes me sick, not only do anglers get tangled up in it but it is a lethal trap for birds, fish and other wildlife That is a whole nuther thread. It seems like a losing cause on places like the Grand or lower Credit, but I do it there too anyway. It makes me feel good.
I thank you for your compliment on my method of doing research thru maps to find places to fish. I think others think they are doing their research by lurking on the various forums available to them.
As for the land-owners thing, I have had success all my life when I have approached land owners about fishing on their land. Showing them my garbage bag doesn't hurt. They welcomed me back year after year.
The last thing I want to mention here is that I have never posted a pic of a fish here or on any forum. My friends and I know what I caught, and I'm not looking for any glory. I do sometimes write that I caught an 8 lb pike in the Grand or something like that, but I don't really give any details of the location. It's Speck fishing paranoia.

These seem to be ongoing antagonistic debates (often without end)--sometimes these sites are great resources and, with time and trust, contacts become good custodians of your info and expertise and vice versa. It is nice to see that some level of acrimony/debate is tolerated here--we are after all adults. Could be worse L2P, you could have tried this on OFN and been immediately banned. If you visit the introduction category and go to my post ChaseChrome you will find a post embedded within it, one that someone took offence to and then edited without alerting me. This lead to me being banned when all I wanted to do was share a little story of a positive outing. Does this forum suck? Celebrate those moments where there is discovery and generosity brother.

For my part I wouldn't mind sharing some riverbank with a serious angler such as you...what riverbank?? Mum's the word...

celebrate the moments of discovery and generosity... i like that.... well said sound like you been aound the riverbank awhile.
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