VIP Pro Staff
i say we put this baby to rest, some of us agree some us don't .frank i agree with u 100% buddy some guys just don't wanna lisen. Not worth dragging this crap any longer lock it up and throw it away.
LICENSETOPIN, so if a couple of members from few hundred active members, posted a picture you don't like and don't think is a good idea to post on public forum, you think it's fair to start bashing whole OFF community of wrong doing? Have you even tried to resolve these issues before starting this tread? You never pm'd admin or mods to remove the pictures, i have hard time beleiving you pm'd people that posted pictures and asked them to remove, with explanation why, and sorry if i'm wrong, but i don't remember you posting a short thread about why it is important to keep the reports from little creeks out of public forums because they might get ruined.
btw, if this forum sucks, why do you keep logging in?
Dont try and be a smart ass, pics that are 2-3 years old are way different from posting a report and pictures the day off. I hope I dont have to explain that one... Why do I come as cocky? because I stand up for what I believe is right and is for the better of everyone? Were all in this forum because we all share the same passion after all, I guess some just dont care as much as others do maybe some dont even care at all.Your pic has a pretty clear background... And a bridge... Care to share where it is? You honestly seem like THE cockiest individual on this site, and beyond negative. Relax man, if you're better then everyone else, all the power to you.
my thoughts exactly i recognize the background in one members photos who is in my area, and have not went there once this year b/c i am patterning a different waterbody there are only so many ppl fishing and they cant all be everywhere everyday. also most ppl have to work sometimes to support the habit. the days when there is actually a large fresh run of fish in while there is a large amount of pressure is relatively low in my opinion, sure every creek gets bashed up pretty good a couple times per year but besides that damage gets spread around farely evenly IMO.L2P you didnt expect anyone to be offended when you made a thread called "This forum sucks" ....you have to be kidding...
I dont think anyone on this forum disagrees that actual spots shouldnt be named, I cant think of anyone at least. The sole reason this thread has gone on for so long was because you called it "This forum sucks".
And if someone recognizes the background then they already know the spot. Nothing wrong on this forum other than the attitude of a few members.
I dont think anyone has an issue with the notion of not posting location pics that give away non-stocked, small creeks. It's your arrogant " Im so much better at this than all you *********" attitude and painting the entire forum as ***** that seems to be pissing everyone off. I have learned a lot from this forum from people like Blair and Hammercarp, nothing from you though, as apparently us plebs couldn't possibly learn what you do from the internet...:roll: Thankfully there are other sub-forums on here that have fisherman who do give out tackle and rigs tips.
Outdoors slaying fish on small unstocked creeks four days a week, but making sure no one else knows where the creek is, is not conservation.
Get over yourself.