Tips on reading rivers - Steelhead Fishing

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TI, I know PUMP personally and fished with him multiple times. He's a member of TUFA...but I don't think he in involved with Fishhead at all.

Or maybe he is...but he never told me...and he has never hooked this brother up with some roe samples... :razz:
Lmao, That would be a neat idea, "Roe Starter Sample Pack" Get a small baggie/container of each of the different roes (Atlantic/Brown/Speckled,etc)
MuskieBait said:
TI, I know PUMP personally and fished with him multiple times. He's a member of TUFA...but I don't think he in involved with Fishhead at all.

Or maybe he is...but he never told me...and he has never hooked this brother up with some roe samples... :razz:
I know he doesn't represent Fish Heads.
But I also know Fishheads read these posts.
Some people seem to enjoy spinning my opinions.
I'd feel terrible to come across as hurtful to anyone's hard earned business success.
A few tips from my perspective. Almost all places that hold fish are no secret, just follow the paths. As for reading the water. look for lines or what I call creases in the water. Watch where the foam line or bubbles flow and fish around them. Go deep on first drifts and see if you can hit bottom and get hung up, then adjust depth of presentation. fish the lines and creases and fish all of the pool and run especially in high dirty water. You never know where they will be. Fish slow, normal and fast water and always change depth of lead according to what your float is telling you.
Not sure if it helps - Tall, I know you have a lot more experience than me, but I also know others read this that might benefit), but I got out with my son recently without a rod. I learned a huge amount.

We kept out of the water but once, where there is a regular ford.

I'm still a noob, and just wanted to see if I could FIND fish (the trib is currently a sanctuary). Also used the time to bone up on possible hatches available for the opener.

Found a decent steelhead (that's my guess, could be wrong) when I started to cross at the ford. It splashed me and moved up the rapid. Following it move, especially against the surface features, gave me a better insight than anything I have read or heard. It's one thing to hear about fish hanging out behind a boulder, or at the side of a seam, but something entirely different to watch a fish purposefully hold at the edge of a riffle. Imagining a presentation gets a bit more real with a fish in site.

One thing I've definitely learned on this forum is leg-work. Last weekend hammered that home.

Get out and watch some fish.

As I said, it might not help you, Tall, but it might help others.
And if it helps further, I've still not caught one steelhead (but now have almost trod on one)
Great information guys and thank you for sharing!

I use to follow fish (just holding my fishing rod) and studying them but it seems there are so many guys around the fish are spooked.

Its hard to study nature with the constant threat of anglers chasing these fish, also doesn't improve your chances of catching it when you spook it - my personal experience.

The intent of this forum is to learn about reading rivers (where do fish hold and move given the threat of other anglers) also to learn how one must change their presentations to adapt to fishing the variety of places the fish may be holding and of course choice of bait/ how to see what they are feeding on and adjust accordingly to increase your chances to catch - not necessarily catch.

Essentially, Id like to leave a pool knowing I did everything I could possible to maximize my chances of catching a fish.

Keep the info coming where possible! Thanks Everybody.
Big fish in small creek and lots of people...doesn't matter what you use lol. Spooked fish aren't any fun. Fish slower water for dropbacks and rivermouths is enjoyable and they hit more often
Fish on !!