Tips,Tricks and advice for bass,pike fishing.

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May 17, 2015
I am new to this site as well fishing(kind of). my last fishing trip all i caught was sunfish :cry:. I use a closed face reel on a rapala rod. I am wanting to get new line and tackle. so i am looking for tips,tricks and advice on it.

I am wanting to get bass and pike
so what is the best line for both pike and bass. (or other types of fish)

what about tackle for bass, and tackle for pike,

and what about leads?

Bass you can use basic monofilament, and that will work with pike too if you attach a wire leader which you can buy at any tackle store. Or you can use a braided line which should hold up to the pike's teeth. Line strength depends on how big you think these fish will be... 8lb-10lb is probably a safe bet unless you're planning on hooking into some pretty big pike.

Anything from Rapala lures to Mepps spinners to a simple jig and worm should do the trick. Live bait will probably work best, like worms, minnows or leeches.

Lures and spinners you probably won't want to add any weight. With live bait like minnows or worms probably the easiest thing to do is use a simple bobber and split shot pinched on to your line. Let it sit there, jiggle it around a bit, whatever.

Your best bet is to head to your closest tackle shop and they'll set you up best. Hope this helps and good luck.
Pike/Muskie, go with spoons, the shinier the better. Seek shallow inlets where weeds will be heavy as summer progresses. I make my own......3" spoon with wire extension(for minnow), and a double hook at the end. If there's any in the area you'll get 'em. Spoons work well for trolling to if you have access to a boat & motor. Bass,(ya I know they are out of season, I just wish somebody would tell the little buggers that),......casting with floating lures off rocky shorelines in fairly shallow water is good. Hinged perch replicates are my weapon of choice. They work well for trolling to. Worms and minnows on a pickerel rig work well to providing you're in a boat. For the record, I condemn targeting any species out of season. Good luck. Cheers.
PIke and bass can be caught in multiple, hardbaits, softbaits, live, dead, nightcrawlers. you name it. Both fish co-exist in the same area.
All those baits and lures I also use depending on the season. Winter...I go slow (plugs, spinners or deadbaits) Summer, I take out the spoons, spinners, or you can use live baits...Some of my friends catch pike with streamers. Spring & Fall I only use suspending plugs....or i will just jig it.

During spring you will have a lot of accidental catches of bass...I move to another spot when that happens.

If you're just starting out to fish...
Know the regulations very well otherwise it will be a very expensive lesson for you if you get in trouble. - fine, acquisition of your gear and the worst - suspension.

Line - Suffix @ Lebarons is around $4 for 1500 ft. length. Use leader when you're using smaller lures...