Was a good day.

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lol toca if u know where it is good for you, but i really dont think youd be able to tell where i was be cause i was at 3 different rivers that day plus all the pictures of the fish except for one is showing no more than the fish and the river bank. so unless you know every sand grain on every river then your prolly going to be wrong. but like i said if u know good for you, why dont you go there and try to catch some steel. little harder to line or snag them there :D
i dont need to snag or line them bud. i just rake them out of the water and if that dont work i just zap the water and net the stunned fish.... But dont you know all river look the same?
lol toca if u know where it is good for you, but i really dont think youd be able to tell where i was be cause i was at 3 different rivers that day plus all the pictures of the fish except for one is showing no more than the fish and the river bank. so unless you know every sand grain on every river then your prolly going to be wrong. but like i said if u know good for you, why dont you go there and try to catch some steel. little harder to line or snag them there :D

Ted doesn't snag or line trout. But even if he really did I doubt you'd help him catch fish legitimately.....
its funny how when i try to joke around both of u get so defensive, like u guys were actually guilty of something.
well we all know pedro is hahahaha, i mean cmon he blatantly posts on here that he lines and snagged. imagine if co's cruised the net for loogans... hmm :D
i do edit the pics, mostly just play around with contrast and saturation to get the best colours with out distorting the pic. ive used hdr programs and dont like the effects so much.
its funny how when i try to joke around both of u get so defensive, like u guys were actually guilty of something.
well we all know pedro is hahahaha, i mean cmon he blatantly posts on here that he lines and snagged. imagine if co's cruised the net for loogans... hmm :D

but please don't criticize how I fish anymore if your not going to help. do it your way and ill do it mine. Like I can fish on redds if I want to and you can fish deeper water if you want to. Whatever you feel better with I guess.

P.S I don't snag lol
Pedro said:
its funny how when i try to joke around both of u get so defensive, like u guys were actually guilty of something.
well we all know pedro is hahahaha, i mean cmon he blatantly posts on here that he lines and snagged. imagine if co's cruised the net for loogans... hmm :D

but please don't criticize how I fish anymore if your not going to help. do it your way and ill do it mine. Like I can fish on redds if I want to and you can fish deeper water if you want to. Whatever you feel better with I guess.

P.S I don't snag lol

I'm pretty sure most people stopped respecting you when you were so adamant about fishing redds. No respect for our resources = no respect from other anglers. Again, if all you really want to do is catch fishing without regard for ethics or respect to the fish or the natural resources we're blessed with, maybe fishing isn't the right hobby for you.
its funny how when i try to joke around both of u get so defensive, like u guys were actually guilty of something.
well we all know pedro is hahahaha, i mean cmon he blatantly posts on here that he lines and snagged. imagine if co's cruised the net for loogans... hmm :D

lol thats funny.
I know you're being a smartass and im just returning the favor.

either way i couldnt hook,land any of the fish for the life of me.... its like ive gone retarded after thursday.
lol u wonna catch fish every time wait for the opener and go to Glen Haffy conservation area there is so much trout, u dont need a bait u can line all u want.
Guys, if you cannot respect each other, then at least have some respect for this forum.

The OP shared some beautiful pics and the thread has once again degraded into juvenile bickering.

What does snagging and lining fish have to do with this topic? Absolutely nothing.

Take your personal arguments to PM. Final warning.