Thanks flandogg.
I would also add that leader type, strength and length and are crucial to success. For example fluorocarbon leaders are a must for many reasons:
1.) The light refractive index of fluorocarbon is very similar to that of fresh water, meaning it is more "invisible" underwater as compared to monofilament
2.) In addition to being more resistant to abrasion, Fluro has zero water permeability, meaning it does not get damaged over time by simply being in water, as opposed to mono
3.) Fluro is more dense, meaning it will sink faster than mono, allowing for a more controlled and natural presentation.
4.) Fluro does not stretch as much as mono,and allows for greater sensitivity when the bite is light
Sorry to go off topic but i feel that a good leader makes the difference between a fish and no fish, no matter the bait used.
Oh and if using fluro, PLEASE only use the palomar knot to tie your hooks. It's a special knot designed specifically for fluro line and it holds like a mother f....