Where to get a map?

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Jan 22, 2013
We are planning a trip to Rice Lake this summer. Was wondering where/how to get a map of the lake? Not having any luck online so far. Thanks

Now watch what happens. "PM only" "Others don't appreciate Posting Spots" ETC.

Well FishHawk, I sure appreciate the posting of spots, and I'm not ashamed of it. I don't have time to drive all around and explore, so when I do get out it's nice to a push in one direction...

Ready for round 2 buddy? It'll be just like the hard-water Orilla thread! :D
Now watch what happens. "PM only" "Others don't appreciate Posting Spots" ETC.


That's only with salmon/steelhead silly! :-D




What type of map are you looking for? You're from the USA.

Somewhere to stay? Fishing Hot Spots? General map of the area?

Let me know and I'll find it, or already have what you're looking for.

Bass Hot spots for example. See below.

Now watch what happens. "PM only" "Others don't appreciate Posting Spots" ETC.


this info has been around a while, if anyone gets offended, tell em where to go, all it takes is a simple google search to find those images lol
this info has been around a while, if anyone gets offended, tell em where to go, all it takes is a simple google search to find those images lol

Well my google must not have the same info because I have been looking for 2 weeks and haven't found anything like the previous 2 posts. If it does offend anyone then don't reply to this thread.........send me a PM and there is no issue. Thanks for the info too guys!
And the funny thing is that you could post GPS co-ords of where you aught a bunch of fish and what lures or bait you were using, then others could go out when conditions were different and get totally skunked!!! ( It's called fishing, not catching.)
That's the difference between "Fishing" on Big Lakes with all kinds of different Fish that you can Target and Rivers or "Tribs" with One, maybe Two types of Fish.


Muskie, Pike, even Large and Smallmouth Bass are all Classified as "Predators" and they're gonna go/be wherever the Heck they want to.
Completely true! I've had days where it's non-stop bites and then nothing? I start casting around and all of a sudden I find them again, the crafty fish moved!

Here Today, Over There Tomorrow. A guy that taught me a lot about Pike Fishing ...I asked him one day..... "So where's the best Pike Spots?"... "Out There." as he waved his arm and covered the entire Lake.
Exactly! That's the fun of fishing, trying to locate the fish!

(Fishingnoob's laughing right now.... He wants to Post ... "You lost it a Long Time Ago.":lol: )
Haha, you bet! Nice to see some people see the "light". :D

That site is OLD now, but all the info is still there. I (e-mail) met Tony a year ago, maybe longer. Very Nice, Principalled Young Man!
Immigrant from China. Always concerned about NOT doing something that would Embarass His Parents back Home.
That's neat. I checked out his website. Pretty good! When I clicked the email button, it didn't work. I'll try later.

Lots of other good stuff on there also. Even a Joke Section. I'll put up a pic of Tony and a couple of YUK YUKs.
LOTS OF INFO! Helped me a lot! Thanks.
Nice share sir. No one shud give u any problems for this man. Shorelines, channels, rocky drop offs and back bays... Pure bass territory, I love it!

Only ammendment I'd suggest for this post is that I think Bass move aound less than trout. They love relating to structure and although they have sweet spots for each time of day overall they like to chill and feed opportunistically on whatever they can. Look for places with shallow cover (where they hunt) relatively close to deep structure (where they hide and rest) chances are a bass is lurking.