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  1. DEVIN

    East Creek Cleanup 2014

    count me in :) just need a confirmed date
  2. DEVIN

    Where not to grab a fish..

    Ppl r nuts. Ir4j good job bud! I would have done the same
  3. DEVIN

    steelhead outing?

    down!, time & place
  4. DEVIN

    Best line for casting spoons

    I run 20lb Power Pro and around 15lb fluro lead.
  5. DEVIN

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    Great pics guys! i really like the spots on that one catfish.
  6. DEVIN

    Simms Waders

    Cuz. I'll keep an eye and year open around for you. I'll come by soon so u can try my size out.
  7. DEVIN

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    That's a perdy bow there chrome
  8. DEVIN


  9. DEVIN

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

  10. DEVIN


    i was in florida when the run hit. My friend sent me a an awsome picture of what i missed :(. but yeah a run had happened.
  11. DEVIN

    Lots of rain

    YEAH any luck :)?
  12. DEVIN

    Lots of rain

    yeah fire tiger is boss
  13. DEVIN

    Lots of rain

    what i notice about all the rain and chucking cles are that depending on the mudline they can render useless. due to the dirty water conditions it makes it very hard for the fish to spot the lure how ever u may get lucky but ussualy its a bust. good luck anyways anything is possible.
  14. DEVIN

    Credit River Fish Ladder

    Join me :)?
  15. DEVIN

    Atlantic and Pacific Salmon

    do the atlantics live in lake O? or do they go back to the atlantic just a FUN question :)
  16. DEVIN

    Credit River Fish Ladder

    really chase? thats awsome! ive always been intrested to do volunteering to help out. ps. how do i go about doing so?.
  17. DEVIN

    2nd Annual OFF Outing...Geen OCT. 24-27

    COUNT ME IN as long as trini drives me LOLL!
  18. DEVIN

    Tying roe bags

    i love the spider thread works wonders fast and easy.
  19. DEVIN

    Credit River Fish Ladder

    Awsome thank you for the clarification ! now i get it because i love very close to the creditriver just north of britania and i remeber years ago seeing salmon in large numbers but over the past couple of years i havnt seen one in my area.