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  1. mikeh

    Carp 2014

    From what I understand the first non-commercial ones were based on burnt butter. The commercial ones are based on N-butyric acid? Which I think is what is used for the fake butter stuff that you put on microwave popcorn? either that or it's unicorn poo, but I think that might be rainbow...
  2. mikeh

    Found this while working on Mcdonalds today.....

    comment removed
  3. mikeh

    Carp 2014

    Just received some Scopex flavoured pop up boilies, a few packs of PVA bags, size 8 wide gape hooks, 3lb nanofil (for hairs)... and a new finger guard. Might head out today and drown a few worms while walking the banks and checking out some spots for the weekend.
  4. mikeh

    Found this while working on Mcdonalds today.....

    PUMP KNOWS posts in the Carp 2014 thread on going Carp fishing and what to use, and then you "find" a dying Carp dumped in a toilet. Wow! what a coincidence.....
  5. mikeh

    Carp 2014

    12lb mono should be fine, I use 12lb flouro no problem, just make sure that you set your drag for a carp run
  6. mikeh

    Where to find Carp gear?

    You are correct. A pop up is a floating version of a boilie, or a fake corn kernel. You use them to lift your hook bait off the bottom, or to critically balance the hook. Take a look at and select carp rigs from the menu on the left. Most of the usable rigs are well...
  7. mikeh

    MNR conservation officer

    There's no MNR office / location in Toronto at all, other than the minister's office on Wellesley St.
  8. mikeh

    Carp 2014

    I had Carp fingers for lunch in Prague a few years ago and it was really good. It was actually way better than walleye for me, which I found to be totally bland, like eating fish tofu.... yeah I said it, fish tofu.
  9. mikeh

    Post Up Pics of Your Tackle,Rods and Gear

    File this one under "WTF is that?" 15ft telescopic interline, med heavy, will blast PVA bags and weights out to where the Carp are hiding.... Was being used at medium-long range in the pic, running a Pflueger Arbor, wide mouth reel.
  10. mikeh

    No Free Ride For Seniors

    Just a guess, could be something else. They just published their fish stocking plans as well. I think I got the details from the TUFA site, it was a few articles down. EDIT* MY bad, it was on the TUFA facebook page!
  11. mikeh

    No Free Ride For Seniors

    I am guessing it is the MNR proposal to retract the free fishing licenses for the over 65's in Ontario.
  12. mikeh

    Using braid as a leader...

    I still have weighted cages but don't use them anymore, I switched from method to packbait which is more common in Ontario. But now I rarely use pack either! if I'm not sight fishing in shallows then I use PVA bags pinned to the hook and hair. Ooops, I think we have hijacked the thread.... :P
  13. mikeh

    Using braid as a leader...

    Just a case of improved mechanics for the hair rig itself. Haven't had any issues with the flouro being too stiff for the Carp as far as I know, (It's only 10 lb flouro). The scraped braid is extremely supple when compared to the flouro hook length, a long knot also keeps the hook angle...
  14. mikeh

    Using braid as a leader...

    Interesting, I do the opposite and use scraped braid for the hair only. I keep the stiff flouro for the hook length.
  15. mikeh

    pike opener photos

    Water is still really, REALLY cold along the downtown shoreline, so I will probably start with low and slow spoons along the walls. If I get follows without strikes, I'll switch to ledgered dead minnows on a pop up float.
  16. mikeh

    pike opener photos

    Heading out early Saturday morning, along the waterfront.
  17. mikeh

    Skyway bridge fishing

    It's pretty straight forward. Drive down the service road and park. You can access some parts of the shoreline on the inner harbour side, but watch it as it can be a bit steep in places. I have only fished for Carp at this location.
  18. mikeh

    What zone is home?

    Downtown centre waterfront area of zone 20. 10 minute walk to the waterfront, 20 minutes to the ferry. Ashbridges Bay Park to Humber River marsh with Tommy Thompson, the Islands and a bunch of other spots in-between. Species wise, everything comes through at some point in the year.
  19. mikeh

    Whirlpool conditions?

    Thanks for the info! Think I'll hold off until the middle of next week.
  20. mikeh

    Whirlpool conditions?

    Anyone know what the current conditions are down at the Glen and Whirlpool? In particular the state of the track and stairs down from the car parks. I am assuming that the whirlpool is ice free already? anyone?