2014 Opener! Lets See What You Got!

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Missed one on opener and went back yesterday and caught this
It was fun to see the whole colour range this week. And all very angry!




the biggest one for me last sunday, i had the creek all to myself, he is the second fish of the day, and a total brute! still have alot of fight and power!
Drift king said:
thats a shark bud
Kit said:
Nice fish!!
DK, KIT, i had thoughts of mounting the fish, but the tail is a little mangled and i wanted a fellow pushing over 20 with a large kype, lucky for this guy i sent him away, missed him on opening day, came back a week later and he is still in the pool where i hooked em last time, this fellow will take you by surprise, i thought it was a rock yhen he shook his head then stirred up the whole pool, LOL!!!
Shawarma said:
Classic, That sounds like it was an amazing fight!
Kit said:
Yeah that it does haha..
nearly 1/2 an hour later i was gettin the upper hand! then he just decided to give up, i was still trying to learn the new rig that i have, so both parties have an advantage and disadvantage, then i just heard the lady say nooooooooooo!!!!! when she saw me releasing the fish and trying to make him recover, she was like, i dont get it you worked this hard for a fish that youre releasing? i just told her that it fell a couple of pounds too short of my target fish, because that day i was fishing for a trophy to mount, and it got her more confused cause she was like, so if it was bigger youre keeping it but not eating him? WTH man! youre putting him on a wall? then the story goes on about fiberglass fish replicas and yadiyadiyadaaaa, then she just walked away, but the days totals were 16 hooked and 14 landed, beautifull day indeed!